Same change application - sample

Same change application - sample

The change of the surname is not always connected with marriage. Sometimes a person takes an independent decision to change the name or last name given to him at birth. Step is serious, it should be thoughtful and reasonable. If the change in the surname depends not on the change of married status, but has other reasons, then you need to know several features of this process. The list of documents for presentation to the registry office here is different. Consider options.

Citizens who have reached 14 years have the right to replace the surname of the uncountable number of times - art. 58 of the Federal Law. If you are less than 18 years old, then this change will require the consent of the parents (both) or trustee. Otherwise, without any such consent, there will be a trial. Persons under 14 can also be changed after their desire, the resolution of the guardianship bodies and the request of parents (adoptive parents) - article 59 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Given the social status of a citizen who has decided to change the surname, the list of documents can be changed. For an adult person, the following package of documents is set (originals and copies):

  • passport;
  • application to the registry office at the place of residence (form number 15) in writing;
  • certificates of the birth of children under 18;
  • marriage certificate (certificate of divorce);
  • the receipt, indicating the payment of state duty - 1000 rubles.


When changing the surname of the adolescent age 14-18 years, this list is complemented:

  • Parent passports.
  • Certificate of birth of a child (original).
  • A statement written by each of the parents confirming their consent to change the name of the child (you can send by mail a statement certified by the notary).
  • If someone from parents are repeated marriage, the child has the right to take the schobiim's name (stepmothers). This requires a re-marriage certificate.

text of the statement is made in the prescribed form №15. Citizens who have reached the age of 18, writing their own statement addressed to the head (mayor) of the city. It is necessary to provide the following information: Full name; date and place of birth; citizenship; ethnicity (optional); residence; marital status; the presence of minor children (if there are any, then write their full name, date of birth).

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In addition to information about themselves, describe the causes of the desire to change the name. This point should be given special attention. Not to be denied, his desire should be formulated so that the reasons for it were justified, significant. Most often indicates: the desire to take the name of stepmother (his stepfather) in the case of remarriage of one parent, the replacement of foreign names (surnames) in Russian, its dissonant. Is not justified: the desire to take the name of a popular personality, bad astrological predictions associated with the current name, ...

The application shall attach a copy of all documents included in the package and take it to the registrar at the place of residence. Copies shall be certified by an employee of the registrar's office. Statement written, signed by the applicant in his presence. Each application is considered individually. His term review - 1 month. During this time, it checked the authenticity of the submitted documents, to make the necessary inquiries. Upon detection of inaccuracies error process is suspended and may take up to 2 months.

When making the staff registrar positive decision against you they will make and give you a certificate of change of name, and the changes themselves will make the roster. After receiving the certificate of name change you owe before the expiration of 1 month to obtain a new passport. REGISTRY you must issue a certificate of birth and marriage certificates to the changes. The state duty for each document - 200 rubles.

Do not forget in the shortest time to replace all your documents: SNILS, VAT number, driver's license, and pensions, passport. At work in the workbook of the personnel department employee must cross out the previous name, enter a new top. Diploma of education and a certificate of ownership can not be changed.

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