How to stand on a queue in kindergarten

How to stand on a queue in kindergarten

For many parents, the child's device in kindergarten is a real problem, and often attempts to arrange a child in the garden end with refusal by the Administration of the Preschool.

Most often, the head motivates his rejection of the lack of places, but then you will learn that the boy Vanya from the neighboring entrance is still in this kindergarten ...

The abuse of official position and corruption in the gardens of the phenomena is not rare - and the state decided to fight with such a state of affairs. To make the process of setting the queue, became transparent and understandable to all parents, and the state had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of children who need to provide places in kindergartens, an electronic queue was invented.

How to put a child in the electronic queue in the garden?

For more than one year, the electronic queue is valid in Russia and Ukraine. But not all parents know how to put a child for electronic records. In fact, this is quite simple and in order to queue, you need to go to the portal of public services of the Russian Federation and to register on this official resource. After that, you can enter your personal account and fill out an electronic form - a statement, from the list, select your area of \u200b\u200baccommodation, as well as specify a kindergarten, which is going to trust your baby.
All simple!

How to queue in kindergarten - what documents are needed

To queue queue, you must specify:

  • data passport data or mothers;
  • data of your child's birth certificate which you want to put a queue;
  • fill out the application on the site in which You must specify the number of kindergartens (but not more than three).

After entering all the data, the application is assigned a personal registration number and it is entered into a single electronic database.

How to track the order of the queue in kindergarten

If you file an electronic statement, you can know at any time how the electronic queue is moving. To do this, go to your personal account and enter personal data. The system will issue data on the state of the queue. In particular, you will be visible: room number in the queue, date of application, its number, information about the presence of benefits (if they rely on you).

On the official site State services You can check the status of the queue by the statement number (or by other personal data - the number of birth certificate, name and date of birth).

Accounting for all children who are queued in children's preschool institutions today is conducted in a single e-book. Such a system allows parents to track the order of the queue and be calm that in the specified period their child will not remain without a place in kindergarten.

Pluses of electronic queue:

  • the ability to monitor how the queue is moving;
  • convenience - no need to go to the head of the preschool institution to become registered - it is enough to visit the necessary site;
  • honesty and transparency of the process.

Cons of electronic metering:

  • in practice, the electronic queue does not exist in all cities.

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