How to choose a backpack for first grader

How to choose a backpack for first grader

Summer holidays are quickly ends, and the time of preparation for school comes. And parents are asked to acquire the best, beautiful and fashionable backpack for his first grader. Children often give preference to bright, colorful backpacks with the image of the loved cartoon heroes. But when choosing a backpack, the main thing is guided by the following criteria.

The weight and size of the backpack is the first thing to pay attention to. An empty rational must weigh up to 1 kg. Pupils of primary school do not wear a large number of textbooks, especially first-graders. Therefore, it is not worth buying a backpack for a grow or at the rate of one at all school years. The height of the wreck should correspond to the size of the child's back, width - should not go beyond the shoulders.

The following criterion is the backpack backpack, which must repeat the form of the spine and fit tightly to it. For convenience, some models have soft inserts on the back and straps of foamed polyethylene. The material must be made of the mesh, so that the sacrifice does not slip by clothing. Choose straps with a width of at least 35 cm with several length regulators.

Polyester backpack - strong and reliable, drawing on this material is long saved bright. The thicker lightning and more tongues on it, the longer the fittings will serve. Pay attention to the presence of reflective inserts that are lit at night when the light flow direction. In school, the desks have a hook to have the opportunity to hang a wet behind the top loop or handle.


It will not be superfluous to ask the seller about the waterproof of the backpack so that the contents do not go to rainy weather. The bottom should be dense and rubber on the outside, which is easy to launder with a sponge, if the child will put him not land or accidentally drops.

School bags

Inside the backpack there must be several compartments to place the books separately from the notebooks and put the pencil pencils and pencils. So that the child can take water or juice with him, choose a backpack with side pockets from the grid. Purchase a backpack with your child and listen to his opinion. The backpack should bring the first-grader joy and pleasant sensations. And soon your child will delight you with excellent marks and successes.

Using all the advice, you will manage to easily choose a comfortable and correct backpack for a future schoolboy who will not harm the health of the growing organism of the first grader.

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