How to go to the time of childbirth

How to go to the time of childbirth

Pregnancy fits to end and before meetings with kid remain read minutes, but before necessaryovercome last thing trialrodaOn, knows li female, how right hurt and aside she to it ready depends not only speed appearance child on light, but sosame health mom. and kid.

1) How to spend it right during childbirth - preparation

TO aK right hurt in time rodov tell me on preparatory courses, which pregnant women visited on late catch. Madly hard force myself relax between purchase, exactly therefore, the future mom is important master in advance techniques breathing. Right breath will help to avoid gaps and not eliminate to kid.

Potuga or battle

In time rodov necessary clearly follow note midwives and doctor. Exactly midwife is talking, when follow hurt, a when restPotuga from battle is different thread, what strength and duration potumes rozhenica maybe adjust Sam, a crack control impossible.

2) How to go wrong during childbirth - in torah period rodov

Previous department already behind, becoming second period rodov. AND now necessary right myself news:

  • despite on contractions climb on armchair;
  • take per pens chairs and, making deep inhale to pull their on myself v moment battle. Or cook hands lap and maximum their dilution;
  • all efforts guide v northern region. As if want to empty intestines;
  • pouch the chin to chest, strain muscles belly, promoting child on rodov paths;
  • smooth exhalation;
  • again sharp inhale and continue hurt not less 15 seconds. Per one crack follow hurt three times;
  • do deep inhale and exhalation after potumes;
  • relax all muscles, this is will help restore forces front next floin.

After potumes pain should intensify, this is means, what all actions correct and child promotes on rodov paths.

How to go to the time of birth - h then depends from rozhenica

Yet on the process of childbirth, it is possible to influence moments that depend only on the woman itself:

  • necessary think more o kid, so how his far heavier. Not pray myself. Your baby exposed huge stress and not understands, why outdoor wednesday stated aggressive;
  • right breath. it hard, but all same try not to be bored with rhythm;
  • nS occake can and at home, a here at rodah of this make not costs. Creek influences on vessels hoeers, and kid can  not grab  oxygen;
  • clearly and in time fulfill all note midwives and doctor;
  • listen to signals own body.

How to go to the time of birth - t reti period rodov

A meeting with long-awaited miracle took place and becoming third periodpostpartum. Birth childish places occurs across 1015 minutes. Necessary will hurt yet several once, but women this moment not remember. Process this is not heavy, placenta wemit about 500 grammov.


Future mother should to be ready cope with task, which predetermined her nature. AND then she will received Emergency meeting S. little and most. favorite miracle.

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