Epidural anesthesia in childbirth

Epidural anesthesia in childbirth

The painful pain that a woman is experiencing during childbirth can be attributed to one of the strongest pains that a person is able to endure, both in physical and psychological indicators. A common way to facilitate or completely eliminate generic pain is epidural anesthesia. The main task of this method of anesthesia is blocking pain during childbirth and fights with the full consciousness of the fever, making the process of vaginal delivery to a comfortable and safe for the child. Epidural anesthesia is also used to facilitate pain in postpartum manipulations.

How does epidural anesthesia occur during childbirth

Epidural anesthesia is carried out by a qualified and experienced anesthesiologist, since painkillers that block pain, are introduced into the area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal cord. At the bottom of the back of the feminine is made puncture. Then in the area of \u200b\u200bepidural space surrounding the spinal cord, through a thin plastic tube (epidural catheter) is introduced anesthetic. Finding into the spinal cord, the anesthetic drug blocks the pulses transmitted by the nerve fibers. A very important requirement for the puncture procedure is the absolute immobility of the future mother to avoid complications later. During childbirth, the catheter is in the field of the back, the female can drive, but should avoid sharp movements. Depending on the complications arising from childbirth, the physical condition of the young mother, the anesthesiologist is made a decision on the dose of the drug. Epidural anesthesia reduces pain, while the woman feels fights and cutting the uterus, remains in full consciousness and can give birth to the baby. The installation of the epidural catheter takes about 10 minutes, and the relief of the feminine feels 15-20 minutes after the administration of the drug.

Indications for the use of epidural anasthesia

The decision on, pricking or not, the "saving" injection woman can accept itself before the occurrence of childbirth. Many women are so afraid of childbirth that doctors themselves appoint them epidural anesthesia to reduce stress arising from them during childbirth, which will negatively affect the future child. Also takes into account the fact that childbirth can be long, and the young mother just gets tired of pain and she will not have forces during the fence.

There are medical testimony based on which the doctor is appointed epidural anesthesia:

  • In the case of premature birth at the birth of a premature child, epidural anesthesia is carried out. Thanks to the anesthesia, the muscles of the small pelvic of the manufacturers are relaxing, the load on the newborn head decreases and the risk of injury to the baby is reduced when passing through the generic paths.
  • When the discount of generic activity, when the cervix does not disclose.
  • If the manufacturer has high blood pressure, the introduction of an anesthetic drug helps to normalize it.
  • With multiple pregnancy, large fruit.
  • The impossibility of carrying out general anesthesia, for example, with cesarean sections.
  • If a young mother can not give birth for a long time and experiencing painful pain.

Contraindications to epidural anesthesia

Epidural anesthesia - drug intervention, and therefore there are contraindications to hold it:

  • in the presence of an increased cranial or low blood pressure in the future mother;
  • the physiological features of the spine (deformation, there is no access to the introduction of the crater);
  • inflammatory processes in the spinal zone;
  • intolerance to the injected drugs;
  • diseases of the circulatory system, as well as psychoneurological diseases;
  • if a woman is unconscious;
  • refusal to the patient from anesthesia.

Pluses of epidural anesthesia

  • The anesthesia of the generic activity allows a woman to not be afraid of childbirth, but make them comfortable.
  • With long kinds, you can relax a bit and gain strength.
  • The injected drugs do not penetrate the placenta, so anesthesia is safe for a child.
  • Removes the risk of increase in pressure from hypertensive.

Cons of epidural anesthesia

As with any medical intervention in the body, there is a certain risk of complications of varying severity during the procedure. There is a chance of hitting an anesthetic agent into the venous channel or an allergic reaction to the injected drug. To exclude complications, the drug is first introduced in minimal doses. There are cases of a sharp drop in blood pressure, which is accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Some women experience back pain for a long time after anesthesia, in very rare cases with unsuccessful anesthesia, paralysis of the lower extremities occurs. You should also not forget that during childbirth without pain between mom and child is lost psycho-emotional contact.

With severe unbearable pain, it makes no sense to talk about the feasibility of epidural anesthesia for the feminine. Each future mother should decide for himself, whether she should resort to this method of kindergarten pain relief (if it is not a medical need), weigh all the advantages and cons and mines and remember possible complications.

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