How to waste water in pregnant women

How to waste water in pregnant women

Waters that are also called amniotic fluid serve as a child of a natural habitat during its intrauterine development. Specific liquid concluded in the placenta makes the life of a small little man in the stomach of the mother safe and comfortable. For a while before childbirth or already in the process of birth, the fruit bubble is abandoned, after which the pregnant woman departs. As it happens, the article will tell in more detail.

How water departs in pregnant women - expulsion of water

Pullen can occur at any time, and on this basis allocate:

  • premature extinguishing of water - an integration bubble bursts after the 32nd week of pregnancy long before the estimated date of birth. The reason for this can be a strong emotional or physical apparel (stress, fall). In this situation, water is departed, and the cervix does not reveal, because the child is not yet ready to be born. However, the fruit is already enough formed that the doctors can compete for his life;
  • timely extinguishing of water - the amniotic fluid is poured simultaneously with the beginning of the bumps. The softened cervix at this time is already revealed by about 4 cm. Sometimes the contractions begin later, after 10 - 12 hours after the water has moved away, but doctors perceive it as an option norm;
  • the protracted extinguishing of water - there are a number of factors that interfere with the fruit bubble burst independently (for example, weak generic activity). From the predicising position, doctors overlook the amniotomy, piercing the fetal bag by a special tool, while no pain woman is experiencing.

How to waste water in pregnant women - what feels the future mother

If a woman is preparing to become mom for the first time, she is very worried about the upcoming birth - after all it is probably very painful! Undoubtedly, the birth of the baby is accompanied by certain painful sensations, but at the time of the vulnea of \u200b\u200bthe water, nothing unusual or painful pregnant feels. This is due to the lack of nerve endings in a fuzzy bag. In some cases, the depriving of water coincides with the moment of contractions, then the future mother will feel the parotid pain in the lower abdomen.

How water departs in pregnant women - in what volume water

The Genovers itself may seem to be very plentiful. In fact, the total amount of amniotic fluid is not more than 1 liter and rare everything leaves immediately. At first, about 800 ml of liquid is poured. This is the front waters that are a little pushing the baby by the generic paths. The rest of the fluid, or rear waters, and this is about 200 ml, is rested after the birth of the child. At the time of the departing of the waters, a kind of crackle or slap can be heard, with which a fret bubble is broken, after which the woman will feel like her crotch abundantly moisturizes.

How water departs in pregnant women - what color is the oily water

The coloration of the airbag fluid can report a lot about the current situation and the condition of the child:

  • muddy yellow color is the norm. The baby is ready to appear, so it's time to go to the maternity hospital;
  • muddy yellow color with red streaks - bloody splasions talking about the opening of the cervix. Everything is in order - we are going to the hospital;
  • green color - a child threatens a danger due to lack of oxygen or rapid development of pneumonia. The faster the pregnant will deliver to the hospital, the better;
  • brown - can hint on the fetal death in the mother's womb. We act in the same way as in the previous situation;
  • a solid bright red color is a sign of internal bleeding from a mother or her baby. It is impossible to move pregnant. A woman is placed on a horizontal surface and cause ambulance.

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