How the belly grows in pregnant women

How the belly grows in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a beautiful, but at the same time the complex state of the female organism. In the body there are enough energy-intensive processes, as a small child will grow in the womb. Not every future mother knows how the stages are a baby from the embryo to his human transformation. And also which stages are a human body for nine months of pregnancy. The period from conception to birth lasts on average, 40 weeks. And during this time, the belly passes the path of amazing reincarnations. The development of the fetus is divided into the first, second and third trimester. One trimester captures three months.

How the belly grows in pregnant women - the first trimester

The first trimester begins with the first and extended to the thirteenth week.

  • In the first stages of fertilization, a woman may not guess his delicate position. The stomach remains alone, without external changes to about the twelfth week.
  • Next occurs intensive growth of the fetus. Gradually increases the uterus, which is still slightly above the pubis. Over time, the uterus will rise, this suggests that the fruit increases in size.
  • The first trimester period is the most cloudless, as the belly does not prevent the future mother to move freely. You can continue to go to fitness, aerobics and run in the morning. Food volumes are not greatly enlarged, the weight set of pregnant is small.

How the belly grows in pregnant women - the second trimester

The second trimester begins with the fourteenth and lasts on the twenty-seventh week.

  • The tummy gradually grows, and its dimensions are strongly dependent on the female complex. Little and thin for the growth of a woman's belly will be better stand out than that of high or complete.
  • The volume and shape of the abdomen affects the type of prelation of the fetus. If the child is located closer to the back - the pregnancy is less noticeable. If it is closer to the front, the pregnancy will be visible much earlier.
  • Also on the volume of the waist affects the weight gain of the pregnant and the overall weight of the fetus. The woman around the world will be able to notify about his position from about the twentieth week.
  • The fruit is growing actively, so pregnant should try to treat his health as careher as possible, because the life of two people depends on its actions. Even the usual cold may affect intrauterine development.
  • Increasing body sizes begin to interfere with sports. If strong discomfort is felt, you should stop exercise and take a convenient rest position.

How the belly grows in pregnant women - the third trimester

The third trimester begins with twenty-eighth and continues on the fortieth week.

  • Intensive appetite is a frequent companion of the future mother. After all, the degree of its activity is dependent on how it feeds. In addition to ensuring its body, the mother is divided by nutrients with growing fruit in the womb. Up to this point, pregnant has already gained some weight, that is, its body volumes have increased.
  • For convenience, it is necessary to wear more loose clothes that does not argue movements and does not hurt. Until the start of childbirth, the belly is significantly issued forward. At this stage, the future mother leads a passive lifestyle in the physical plan.
  • It happens that the spine is twisted and begins to hurt across. Focusing on their feelings, closer to the end, it will be possible to purchase an elastic bandage in specialized stores, support for the abdomen.
  • Also closer to the end of the third trimester there may be such trouble as skin stretching. They are not cleaned with nothing, it is recommended to rub moisturizing cream to calm the skin. Good local action produces warm water massage.

After the period of pregnancy reaches forty weeks, the birth stage begins. Birth is a completely natural process that makes it possible to give birth to yourself like. Basically, the woman depends on how childbirth will be, from its proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle during the toasting. Active and positively tuned guinea is the most important part of the process. Then it is worth the case for its composure, the ability to take the situation under control. And, of course, it is difficult to do without the professionalism of medical personnel.

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