What you can eat pregnant

What you can eat pregnant

Pregnant women all nine months accompany the wonderful wait, happiness and even fear. During this period, many emotions accumulate, but do not forget about the responsibility, which should be an integral part of pregnancy. And the first thing for the need to follow all nine months is the right nutrition, because from the fact that the development of its puzzle will in many ways eating a pregnant future mammy.

Products that can be eating pregnant

Note, despite the fact that the useful products will be listed below, you should not forget that everything should be in moderation, about 40-60 grams per reception.

  • Liver, low-fat beef and chicken.
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • Cheese solid, rippy, kefir, milk, cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables, fruits, fresh berries.
  • Greens - dill, parsley, onions.
  • Fish - salmon, trout, flounder, pike perch, karasi.
  • Honey, but no more than two tea spoons per day!
  • Fruit natural juices that need to be breeding with water 50 to 50.
  • Olive, vegetable and butter, but not more than 30 grams per day.
  • Unrefined complex carbohydrates - gray or black bread, brown rice, buckwheat.

What to eat can not be in pregnancy

  • Chips, crackers, salt squids, nuts and all that is not worth eating and ordinary person. Everyone knows that there is nothing useful in such food and will never.
  • Sugar, various sweets, chocolate, chocolate cakes, cookies and pastries, especially such goodies in large quantities.
  • Smoked meat, fish, chicken and so on.
  • Sharp - Ketchup, mustard, horseradish, red pepper, vinegar.
  • Fat - sausage, sausages, fat, margarine, mayonnaise.

Meals for pregnancy

  • First trimester. During this period, a bookmark of the child systems occurs, so it is not worth a future mother to increase the calorie content of its diet. It is worth making the main focus on food quality, first of all it concerns vitamins and proteins.
  • Second trimester. From 14 weeks up to 32, it is necessary to increase the calorie content of the diet. The child begins to actively grow and gain mass, respectively, carbohydrates, fats and proteins in a pregnant diet should increase. This trimester increases the need for zinc, hardware, calcium, magnesium and other microelements.
  • Third trimester. During this period, the activity of the future mommy decreases, the woman becomes hard and it begins to rest more, so it is advisable to reduce the caloric content of food, but not at the expense of an animal protein, but the easily-friendly carbohydrates - confectionery, jam and other sweets, because they lead not only to obesity of pregnant women , but also the birth of kids with overweight.

How can the approximate menu look like on the day of the future mother

  • The first meal is a chicken egg, a small piece of butter, toast from black bread and a glass of kefir.
  • The second is a green salad and a glass of tea.
  • Third - boiled potatoes, chicken fillet, pear, a glass of drinking yogurt or kefir.
  • Fourth - toast with jam and glass of juice.
  • Fifth - vegetable salad, boiled fish, brown rice and tea.
  • Sixth - a small fruit or a glass of kefir.

In the conclusion of a nutrition article for pregnant future mothers, you want to wish them: Prepare for yourself and baby only with love, eat food with pleasure and then the diet will become a source of good mood, a pledge of prosperous pregnancy and baby's health.

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