How do the fights begin at the foremaries

How do the fights begin at the foremaries

Undoubtedly, the first births are tested for strength for the future mother. But, before you give birth, you need to survive the battles. This is the most painful process for the primordin. Before you go to the maternity hospital, it should be clearly understood what kind of generic contractions, how to highlight their first symptoms to start the cooking process. And in the case of premature labor, such knowledge can save a new life.

How does the fights begin at the foremaries - forerunners

The forerunners occur even 2-4 weeks before childbirth. The appearance of precursors suggests that the body is preparing for the birth of a child. Below are examples of the first symptoms, after which there are real contractions.

  • Training bouts appear long to the present. The estimated period began from 20 to 38 weeks. Often, pregnant is afraid of such activity of the body. Credit reductions arise with an irregular interval of 15, 30, 10 minutes. Fights do not enhance with time, the cork does not leave.
  • Outstanding the abdomen - the child becomes in a convenient position in which he will be released. Announcement of the abdomen occurs ahead of time, about 2 weeks before the start of childbirth.
  • Tube debit - mucous plug can move immediately before real fights, and 1-2 weeks before the birth of the baby. The mucus is colorless, beige and with a brown tinge, small blood discharge. The amount of mass is about 2 tbsp. These features are purely individual. The plug protects the womb from infection with bacteria and does not give the baby to be born ahead of time. It turns out painless, one-time or parts.
  • Reducing the activity of the kid - often the feminine is very panic, when the child subsides. This behavior, on the one hand, may be normal for the baby, and the reason to consult a doctor. The child grew up and he is not enough to place in the womb for active movements. He subsides, occasionally feeding signs of life. For safety should be controlled by the movements of the fetus, recording frequency. Before childbirth for 1 day, the child moves about 25 times a day.
  • The expansion of the pelvis is characterized by pain in the lumbar department and the sacrum. Without pain in the bones, it is impossible to prepare for childbirth, also binders acquire elasticity. The child puts on the pelvic bones, spreading them. The uterine pressure occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, but before the resolution this process is special, brighter expressed. The stomach is lowered, breathing relieves, shortness of breath decreases. The uterus is in a calm state.

How do the fights begin at the foremaries

  • The belly of the pregnant woman is compressed for a few seconds and then dispels again. Regular fights gradually contribute to the disclosure of the uterus for the passage of the fetus. The uterus is ready for childbirth after disclosure by 10 cm. The pressure of the fetus increases, the octopling bubble bursts, water water.
    Feelings and power of fasteners are individuals.
  • The discomfort in the lumbar department increases. Study urination, defecation, appetite disappears, thirst strengthens, vomiting is possible or just nausea. Sometimes against the backdrop of an important state, the fever beats chills. A woman intuitively understands that childbirth on the approach. The uterus becomes stone - this is the so-called muscle tone. First, the time between the fights for 30 minutes. duration of 20 seconds. Next frequency increases. There is pain in the hips, legs, back.
  • Over time, compressing the uterus becomes more often, the configuration interval decreases, but the duration of the process increases. Abbreviations are moving into attempts, attempts to push the organism. There is a feeling of feces. To overcome strong wave pain, you need to try to relax and reduce nervousness. The energity of the leaving the cry is redirected to the muscle relaxation process and in the future for attempts.

In repeated childbirth are lighter. Pelvic bones after the first bodies are expanded, the person is morally prepared for the process and knows what follows. Repeated childbirth, compared to the first, pass faster and less painful. But mom, already had experience in childbirth, it is important to prepare long before birth. It happens that the child does not have time to wait until the hospital and goes into the world on the road. The fights can be relieved by rolling on a special ball or taking a warm bath, also with the help of massage.

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