How to give birth without breaks

How to give birth without breaks

About 25% of the birthdayrs receive internal and external breakdowns during childbirth. In the risk zone are not only primible, but women already having children. How to prevent possible injury to generic pathways, as well as external genital organs and give birth without breaking?

What can cause breaks during childbirth?

Normally, when the fruit is slowly, without sharp pins, goes to the generic paths. Then soft tissues, the vagina and the crotch are expanding under pressure. But not all are giving birth so smoothly. Obsushets allocate two main reasons for the normal flow of labor without complications leading to the ruptures.

  1. The first is "Impatience" mom. Birth, this is a very painful generic process, and when the head of the fetus is already at the exit in a small pelvis, the cervix begins to open completely. The feminine is an excessive attempts (since so she is less painful) pushes the baby in a small pelvis, and the neck of the uterus, without having time to reveal, rushes. You can avoid this if you obey the obstetrician of the leading childbirth.
  2. Second - "Mother Hi Mom". So, joking, gynecologists call this type of involuntary breaks. They occur at the last stage of childbirth, when the head has already come out and begins to go the wider part of the fetus - shoulders. At this moment, the child can stick the handle that inevitably leads to a rupture. Not a single fender is not insured against such situations and they occur not provided. As a positive moment, I would like to note that the kids at the time of the appearance of the world are also very tired, so they are "taught" they take place extremely rarely.

Learning to give birth without breaks - psychological attitude

It has long been noticed that women tuned to the lightweight women, they give birth significantly easier for those who are afraid. The psychological attitude will help to overcome their fears, which is not only in self-sufficiency, but also in special preparation for the generic process:

  • The future mother must attend courses for pregnant women. There you can find out how childbirth will be held and learned the correct technique of breathing. This will minimize the fear of the process of the delivery. Experts will also teach how to behave in one or another of the situation during childbirth.
  • Communication with young moms will benefit pregnant. They always willingly share their experiences, just do not listen to different "horror stories" about terribly heavy childbirth, especially if there are 3 or 5 children near mommies.
  • "All gave birth and I face!". Customize yourself that childbirth is a natural physiological painful process.After which you meet with your long-awaited miracle. Do not forget that the generic process is a difficult test for two of its participants.

Intimate massage will help give birth without breaks

It is possible to carry out intimate massage under the condition that the course of pregnancy is stable and the baby does not threaten anything. For the procedure you need to prepare natural oils. Suitable: chamomile, pink, olive, calendula oil, crumpled sunflower without additives. The procedure itself is very simple:

  • Lubricated fingers oil are introduced into the crotch is not deeper than 5 cm.
  • Further, adequate movements are produced similar to stretching.
  • The procedure lasts 5-7 minutes, and is carried out about 3 times a week.

It is recommended to carry out such a massage with her husband. So, in addition to the benefit, the woman will receive pleasure, and positive emotions are very helpful.

How to give birth without breaks? Intimate gymnastics

Intimate gymnastics is an alternate relaxation and voltage of the muscles of the vagina. Its execution makes the muscles more elastic, which is very welcomed in the process of childbirth. Such gymnastics can be engaged in the pregnancy planning stage, because it brings more paints into an intimate life of partners. During the baby tooling, you need to appeal to intimate gym for pregnant women, which consists of 3 main exercises:

  1. Kegel exercise. Provides alternate tension and relaxation of intimate muscles and anus.
  2. Elevator. It lies in the gradual stress of muscle tissues of the vagina "rise and descent on the elevator". At the same time you need to linger on each floor.
  3. A bag. A semi-second (with divorced knees) or on all fours. A woman should vagina capture imaginary handles standing on the floor and raise it as high as possible.

The above preparation for the generic process will allow minimizing the risk of breaks. Therefore, not be lazy, but actively work on the preparation of the generic paths to the delivery.

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