How to bloat breasts

How to bloat breasts

Each nursing mother may encounter such a problem as a stagnation of milk. But this phenomenon can be easily eliminated. This state is called lactostasischaracterized by sealing in the chest and the problematic passage of milk as a result of the blockage of Milky Ducts.

If you discovered hubbirds in your chest or redness in these places, experience breast and lubrication in the body, increased   body temperature, then all this may testify to the embossing breast. Milk glands include ducts, with their help, milk comes to nipples. And if the milk clot appears, it covers one of the ducts. As a result, the milk does not reach the nipple, collected in one place and causes pain. So it turns out lactostasis.

Before as break down, It is necessary to understand the causes of this phenomenon. Regardless of the selected way, you need to immediately begin the actions, because the result depends on it. Lactostasis causes pain, but with the right locking Breasts can be smelted after the first procedure. You can get rid of the problem in a few days.

How to bloat breasts - manual way

Breast is possible bloody thus:

  • First you need to take four fingers and attach them under the breast, while the thumb hold on top. It is very important to trace for a large and index finger, they should be located near the edge of the halo.
  • Next, move your fingers towards the center of the chest, pressing on the gland. All movements should be rhythmic.
  • Perform movements you need to capture all the breasts, especially pain.
  • Press the edge of Nipple halo on a large and index finger. It is very important to move in a circle to develop all sections of the duct.

When plotting, you do not have to try to break the resulting tubercles. This can lead to an increase in pain and complications. Before starting the penal procedure, you need to wash your hands so as not to be infected or the bacterium.

How to flour chest - massage

If milk does not follow, you need to perform a massage of the breast, while not to put pressure on the chest. Soft and smooth movements massaging a problem area, not allowing painful sensations. After the massage is made, you need to repeat the pressure procedure.

If milk does not leave, and there are still lumps, then you need to start a massage again. Massage movements are able to reduce pain and establish the promotion of milk, which is stagnant. You need to make circular movements, moving to the center from the edges.

At lactostasis Breast massage is a very important stage. Actions should be aimed at maximizing breast relaxation. Due to the movement of milk in ducts improves.
In this case, the services of professional specialists will not suit, because the movements should be soft and relaxing.

With a massage you need to adhere to some rules:

  • No pressing and actions that enhance the feeling of pain.
  • It is impossible to knead the chest.
  • The direction of circular movements from the periphery to the center.
  • In case of intolerable pain, you need to perform a procedure in a warm bath.

How to flour breasts - breasts

Each mammy must protect himself from risks, so it should be aware of the rules for complaining with the help of breastsosos. Today the market represents a huge selection of such devices. This can be both electric and mechanical model. Burning And the soreness of the breast leads to the problematic of manual pressure. If the breast is overflowing, the breastsos will help to cope. It is better to combine different types of complapity - first with breastsos, and then with hands.

How to flour breasts - compresses

With severe painful sensations, you can use compresses. They heat and relax muscles. Due to this, milk is improved. Making compresses better before feeding procedure:

  • WITH Warm water. Wipe to moisten in warm water. This is a fairly effective compress that needs to be applied to the resulting chish until it is cooled.
  • Cabbage compress. It will take a cabbage sheet to be disconnected until the juice appears, then apply to the patient.
  • Lepi With honey, grated potatoes and beets. The effects of thermal compresses leads to the release of oxytocin, simplifying the separation of milk.

It is not recommended to make alcohol and camphor compresses that block the production of oxytocin. If the seal is strong, then leave the compresses better for the night.

How to Fly Breasts - Warm Bottle Method

This method facilitates heavy burning Chest in case of strong inflammation and tense nipple. It is used when milk does not fit in a different way. After facilitating the state, you can proceed with the manual method.

To do this, you will need a glass liter bottle from 1 to 3 liters.  with a throat minimum 2 cm in diameter. Also need a container with water to heat the bottle:

  • Fill the bottle with water and start gently heat it.
  • Then pour hot water back into the container, cool the throat of the bottle and put it to the nipple so that the air does not penetrate. To keep the bottles right.
  • After cooling the bottle it turns out suction The effect pulling the nipple in the throat of the bottle.

The appearance of heat causes oxytocin Reflex, that is, milk flows into the bottle. The procedure must be repeated with another breast.

In order to get rid of lactostasis It is necessary to limit the use of fluid. The child should be regularly applied to the chest. It is especially important to feed the kid at night. If the milk remains, then it needs to be shot down.

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