36 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

36 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

Pregnant women, for the most part, are always trying to learn as much information as possible about what you need to eat on a time or another, what new sensations will appear and what happens to the body of pregnant and directly with the fruit. Today we will talk about what is happening at the 36 week of pregnancy.

Feeling pregnant

So, the ninth month of pregnancy began, one can say - the finish line. Most of moms are interested in what awaits them during this period, which will happen to them with their kids, so let's understand this in more detail.

For those. Who passed such a test as pregnancy is not a secret that the slogan is 36 weeks - constant fatigue. This is how it is possible to name the pregnancy period under consideration. Posa for sleep becomes more difficult to choose, the stomach agar, the fatigue manifests itself more and moreover, both moral and physical.

Let's go through the sensations that the future mother is experiencing in the period under review:

  • Karapuz is rapidly gaining weight, begins to change its position, and gradually drop everything lower and lower, and this is on the one hand, it takes the walking of a pregnant woman on one side, and on the other hand it becomes easier to breathe. Now the mammy will go to the toilet more often, because the pressure on the bladder is overhauled. Do not forget that the uterus also changes its location, and presses the entire mass of the intestines, which leads to frequent walk in the toilet (in large, so to speak).
  • But with all the same, those who suffered from heartburn can sigh freely, because because of the lowering of the belly, the severity on the gastrointestinal tract was much smaller.
  • All vertebra from start to the end begins to hurt with even greater effort, because the fetus increased in the mass, constantly changes the location, etc.
  • In the uterus, the baby has become quite dough, so there will be no excessive activity during this period, and if the baby decides a little "to have", mom will clearly be not up to laughter, because every his movement will be painful for mom.

The fights may appear quite suddenly, but only in the case of their regularity, you need to contact a doctor or cause ambulance.

Changes at the level of physiology

It can be said that at the 36 week of tooling the fetus, the body is overhauled for childbirth and future feeding. If the mother does not carry one, but several fruits, it is often about such a period of delivery. If the hedgehog is only one, it means that the expectation will last at least 7-8 days.

The hormonal background of the pregnant woman never ceases to "modify", so it will not be easier in this regard, you can not hope.

Reloxin begins to stand out several times more, the pelvis bones are gradually expanding. Among other things, the hair cover may appear where it was not observed before.

Development of kid

So, in the period under review, the fruit is already becoming very similar on who will eventually be on the light. Its weight is becoming more and more, the features of the face and the whole body - more clearly.

  • Putching hair on his body begin to fall out, but the protective film becomes thinner.
  • Many of the available systems are already formed: respiratory and nervous. It is worth paying attention to the fact that immunity is still formed, despite the fact that he began its birth in the early periods of pregnancy.
  • On the period under consideration, the bone of the baby becomes strong, the only soft part of his body remains exactly the head.
  • If the baby appears on the light of the 36th week, the child will be quite full and can do everything alone, like children who go on time.
  • The weight at this fetus development tape can reach 3 kilograms, so it's not surprising why future mommies are so hard to walk on the period under consideration.
  • According to statistics, it is during this period that mommies begin to go crazy. Panic and collect things in the hospital. The recommendation of specialists is such - it is not necessary to panic and revise a bunch of video with childbirth, because it will negatively affect your moral condition and subsequently on physical.

This period of tooling the fetus is, so to speak, finishing, but, despite this, some have different kinds of problems, so the vigilance should not sleep. A pregnant woman on any cause of his pregnancy should be attentive to his health and condition, as well as his baby. If there are some doubts, incomprehensible symptoms - no need to climb on the Internet, immediately contact your doctor who can give answers to any questions.




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