34 week of pregnancy - what happens?

34 week of pregnancy - what happens?

Pregnancy - a period when Mom visits mixed feelings. After all, she is very glad that she was so and she is waiting for his miracle, and on the other hand, the fear - what awaits it during pregnancy and after childbirth. Let's figure out what to wait for the future mom at 34 weeks.

34 week - what to expect?

It is necessary to immediately note that the period under consideration refers to the third stage (final) the development of the baby, so that future mothers must have rapidly prepare for the upcoming birth. Among other things, the body itself is preparing for this event:

  • In the blood, the pregnant women appear hormones (which are produced by the body and are thrown into the blood), contributing to an increase in the level of elasticity of various types of tissues, also joints. It is such a process that simplifies the process of childbirth and promotion of the baby by the generic paths.

  • The uterus by this time increased quite strongly, so its pressure on the bladder is a natural process in the body of a pregnant woman at the 34 week of tooling the fetus. Because of this, the future mommy can often run into the toilet and even incontinence of urine (so daily gaskets should wear every day, so as not to be in a ridiculous situation).
  • Free-term heartburn does not cease to torment future mothers, and in addition to the whole pope, many people complain about the fact that breathing for 34 weeks they have enough difficulty. Unfortunately, pregnant women can not do anything and with the advent of hemorrhoids on this period, which happens often. The factor for the appearance of the problem under consideration is difficult to go to the toilet.
  • No one has canceled and swelling, which often accompanies pregnant women on the period under consideration. If the edema is not temporary, but have already passed into the status of regular, so to speak, chronic, it means, the appeal to a specialist is a mandatory procedure. In this case, you will have to pass some tests, because this protracted symptom can be familiar to the body in the body of a pregnant woman who should not be.

The fact is that the problem under consideration may be a sign of presence in the body of such pathology as gestosis, which means that a large number of different kinds of toxins are thrown into the body of a woman, and this outcome of events can seriously affect the development of the baby.

Baby for 34 weeks

Let's figure out what is happening with the baby at 34 weeks:

  • The active growth of the baby, and, accordingly, the abdomen of a pregnant woman in the period under consideration is a good sign, it means that your baby lives and develops. His weight during this period of pregnancy can be a couple of kilograms. Fruit, if you compare with fruit, similar in shape and size with nutmeg ticking.
  • The baby's heart beats very quickly, if you compare with an adult person, then we can say that the heart of the fetus beats twice as fast. During this period you can hear how it beats, if you attach your ear to the tummy of pregnant.

  • The overeating primary, gradually becomes less, and the mass is gaining very quickly, so the future mother can observe a fairly rapid growth of his tummy.
  • Vital kids are developing very quickly, their intensive formation occurs, and skin cover ceases to be overly wrinkled. If this happens. That childbirth will begin at the 34 week of tooling the fetus, you shouldn't worry too much, because the likelihood that the baby will be fine, and it will be on the light formed and healthy, despite the fact that in size, of course he will still be very small.
  • The only thing that I would like to note is that the kids born at 7 months of pregnancy are often born with muscle tissue, as well as pathology of view, because this body is finally formed in the last weeks of the baby tooling.

Third trimester

So, quite soon, the future mother will receive the status of this, which means it needs to be prepared for this a significant event:

  • Documents are collected
  • The bag in the maternity hospital stands at the threshold
  • Mommy calm and happy

This is all that is required from the mother in 34 weeks of tooling the fetus.

It is worth noting that during this period with the baby there are various kinds of "changes", namely:

  • The fruit is adjusted under the rhythm of mom's life - she tries to sleep when she rests and actively behaves during the day. Such behavior cannot but rejoice in a woman, because thanks to this, she can sleep normally. Although no longer be able to sleep on his stomach and back. The load on the spine and the internal organs are too large, and even those who are trying to sleep on the back, still, ultimately turn on one of the sides.

  • It should also be noted that in this tap of its development, the baby can already be called quite independent, because it is no longer depends on the body of the mother and its placenta, it has already formed quite strong immunity.
  • Among other things, the baby begins to form the metabolism, even if he is even quite specific, but he is still it.

Doctors recommend pregnant on this period to be attentive to their feelings. Calm, surround yourself by careless and favorite people, and then, be sure that you will give birth to a healthy baby you are on time.

Do not forget to drink water. In the event that you are too echoing, drink grass champs that contribute to the acceleration of "movement" and the exit of fluid from the body.

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