31 week of pregnancy - what happens?

31 week of pregnancy - what happens?

Pregnancy, even if it is not planned - it is happiness for future parents. When the future mother learns about his position, it is very important for her to know what will happen during pregnancy with her and baby. Let's find out today that the baby is waiting and the mammy at the 31st week of tooling the fetus.


So, if my mother worked, then, at 31 week, it's time for her decree. Now she will be able to fully rest, it is not in a hurry and nothing will be rides anything. It is an excellent moment to engage in yourself, take care of your baby and will prepare for such an expected event. Despite the fact that before the specified period still 10 weeks, this time will run very quickly, even if before that moment, the mammy did not seem so much.

Immediately, I would like to note that future mothers should prepare for a not very pleasant condition, namely, regular and constant fatigue. Now the pregnant can no longer be able to make 10 cases at the same time, to lead the same active lifestyle as it was before. Already on this period, some mothers need to also prepare for the fact that the breath will be difficult.

This is due to the fact that the uterus will grow, because the fruit is constantly and increasingly developing, and in turn, to many organs. It is for this reason that pregnant women on the period under consideration recommend more time in tranquility and rest, it should be borne in mind.

It's time to think about comfortable shoes at low move. This recommendation sounds from doctors not only because of concern about pregnant women, but also about her baby. It is necessary to understand that all the actions of the future mommy become less neat, but the probability of falling it with a high platform or heel, on the contrary, increases, so for the sake of safety two, it is worth moving onto a flat and convenient move.

There are good moments that are expected to be pregnant at the 31st week of laminating the fetus. From now on, your hair, like skin, will look just great, despite the fact that the figure does not stop rounded. You will look very feminine and gently.

It is also worth noting that on this period, it sometimes becomes very stuffy and hot in places where there is a cool, and sometimes, and cold. This happens because of the accelerated metabolism in its body. It is difficult to solve this problem, it can even be said, it is almost impossible, but it will help to make it easier for the right choice of clothes - it is better to give preference in this period of natural origin in this period, and cutting clothes should be free.

Changes in physiological type

Compared with the previous stages of development and changing the body and physiology of the future mother. This week special "adjustments" will not happen:

  • figure does not cease to gradually take a rounded form

  • the baby grows and becomes like a little man
  • the uterus increases, due to which the organs in the abdominal cavity gradually imperceptibly continue to shift

You should not also forget about a fairly important event, on the duration of the baby to wear. Mommy in the body appears a hormone called relaxing. It is he who is responsible for softening the tissues of the pelvic bones. In the body, everything is interconnected, and the time has come a pelvic ring becomes much softer. So that during the family of the fetus it is easier to go out, and the mother was not so painful and traumatic.

Do not forget that the more your baby is growing, the greater the load on all your bodies and the time under consideration it has time to "suffer" to kidney. If your kidneys are not so strong and powerful to cope with dual load. You can begin to suffer from the swelling that, of course, does not adorganize pregnant, and does not bring her pleasant sensations.

There are ways how to simplify and facilitate such a condition of pregnant. The first is to relax more, the second is a pleasant and fairly easy massage, in order to provide a normal outflow of lymph. The surrounding, which are in close proximity to the pregnant. It should be understood that the level of emotionality at this stage of pregnancy becomes even higher, so that rare mood swings, tears without reason and psychological breakdowns are a non-discovered phenomenon at 31 weeks of pregnancy.

Do not forget that the whole negative and bad mood of a pregnant woman, directly, affects the baby, so that mommies must take care to bring their psychological and moral state to the norm, if not for their own health, then for the health of your beloved kid.

Development of kid

Now your baby is not so often moving in your womb, because he grows and there is no place for him. You can feel how it pulls up, and also plays heads from side to side. The weight set does not stop, and this process will be non-stop until the birth, but the appearance varies slowly, as well as his skills:

  • Wrinkles all over the body are gradually smoothed
  • Fat type fabric is already beginning to accumulate intensively to, as expected, protect the baby from external factors and impacts on it.
  • Now your kroch is distinguished by where the light where darkness also responds to light changes in different ways.
  • Brain activity is actively developing, thinking appears
  • Easy developing intensively

The fetus gradually begins to look like a baby that is so waiting for the future mother. Take care that your baby is comfortable.

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