27 week of pregnancy - what happens?

27 week of pregnancy - what happens?

How much for future mothers mean their baby? Probably, this question is rhetorical. Because the answer everyone knows him. For Mom, her child is a whole world, she is ready to give his life to him and everything that needs. In order not to do it, let's find out what the baby is waiting and the mother at the 27th week of pregnancy.

Development of kid

Does not cease to gain momentum development of the fetus, and, as they say, in all fronts. Only looked like its mass increases. He becomes more like a small little man, already thinking something, hears and even reacts to actions, sounds and the factors surrounding it. The changes occur so quickly in its body, which is hard to keep track of them:

  • the respiratory system is developing intensively

  • immunity is formed and is already at the final stage
  • now in the body of the kid is produced by a surfactant (this is a pulmonary mixture, which in the future will become the basis for breathing, because it is due to it that such necessary oxygen will be absorbed and absorbed).
  • Now mommy can feel the gathering how her baby is yelling, but do not worry, because for the baby such a process is completely harmless.

Mommy at week 27

Some women on the exposure date of the fetus suffer from urination in an involuntary form. It is nothing terrible, such a process can occur during excessive laugh or in the process of sneezing. This happens because the uterus of a pregnant woman is very much pressed on the bladder bladder.

Even if it has not yet happened to you, it is better to progress, and wear daily gaskets on underwear, so as not to get into the unpleasant situation. At this stage of the development of the fetus, Mommy may also suffer from nausea, heartburn and constipation (excellent bouquet of symptoms), but not anywhere. Such symptoms are often visited by future moms on week 27, so get ready, everything can be.

It is necessary to eat regularly, often, and portions should be small. In this case, the excessive use of flour and sweet will be badly reflected both on the inner health of mommies, which means both the baby and the appearance of the mother, because these products will be postponed into fats will be very quick and intensively.

The main rules of this period of pregnancy is the right drinking regime, as well as exercise (of course, lungs, and which can be performed by women in position). Often, it is on this time that a woman is gaining a fairly large number of extra kilograms (that is, those who do not go to ensure the kid with everything necessary, and which are going to harm the mommy itself).

At the 27th week of tooling the fetus, milfs must be extremely attentive to everything. What happens to them and baby. It is necessary to monitor the movements of the fetus, for the discharge, as well as their painful sensations (remember the frequency, scales of pain, etc.). Pregnant should understand that it is from her vigilance to depend the timeliness of childbirth. So, with any suspicions and unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to inform your doctor who will be able to calm you or take the right measures.

27 week - what to expect?

Your baby on the external period under consideration can all have almost a kilogram (the average indicators are 900 g). Among other things, your baby is:

  • The skeleton continues to be strengthened, and the muscular system to develop at high speed.
  • Now the activity of the baby is already hard not to notice, because it is not only pushing, but also turns around, tumbling, balls and can even pull up. There is even an ultrasonic type examination to go to see how your baby acts.
  • Hormones continue to accumulate in the pituitary gland.
  • The hair of a flush type begin to change their color and become darker.

The kid is already a lot of things, therefore there is a list of the fact that the baby may like the baby at the 27th week of pregnancy or vice versa, do not like:

  • Cold and hot shower. It should be noted that this does not mean at all that in the winter you take on your tummy in ice water, and then hot. The water procedures under consideration should be carried out with the mind so that it can not be able to negatively affect the health of the baby.
  • The kid reacts to the light, so too bright sun will not have to taste. At this time, you should not sunbathe on the beach in an open swimsuit, it is better to protect the baby from the effects of direct sunlight.

  • It is not worth talking too loud and scream, because your baby is clearly not like it, have it in mind. It should also be noted that a regular cry from the side can negatively affect the psychological health of the child, because usually kids are very frightened too high sounds on this period.

What does mom look like and feeling at week 27?

It is clear that to hide the tummy will not clearly fail, so it is recommended to wear spacious and comfortable clothes so that it does not compress or handled the tummy in which your baby develops.

The weight will be gaining quite intensively on this period, therefore, mommy must carefully monitor what to eat and in what quantity.

Watch your feelings to understand. What happens to your baby.

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