26 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

26 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

Future mothers are often worried about the well-being of their baby, because for them, they are their fruit - this whole universe. It is also interesting for them that it will happen with their appearance and the organism during the baby tool. Let's talk today about to expect mom at the 26th week of pregnancy.

Baby on week 26

The third stage of pregnancy has already begun. At this stage of development, your kid weighs near a kilogram, and looks like a very small melon. Mom feels more often and more intensively, as the baby moves inside it, now such games occur at night. Doctors say that it is at the moments of such an active movement, Mamuchka needs to closely monitor the baby, consider the moments of its rolling activity.

It is worth noting for those who do not know that there is a table created specifically for moms, thanks to which you can get a test for the movement of the fetus. In this case, it is necessary to celebrate every tenth time when the baby will move, and at a certain time, namely, from nine in the morning for 12 hours, that is, before the same time after noon.

The results will be the following if the tenth movement of your child will be noted by you up to 5 o'clock in the evening - it means everything is normal, if you did not feel any particular fetal activity in question, immediately consult a doctor, because the likelihood of some kind pathology or kid health problems.

It is also necessary to take into account the excellent development of the baby on the period under consideration. On the 26th week of your fetus:

  • specified vision
  • he already hears everything surrounding him (worse he hears high sounds, so keep in mind)
  • from now on, the baby will respond to too loud and sharp sounds. You will be monitored by how at such moments it worries.
  • mom should not shout too loudly and nervous, because the kid hears a cry well, and, by the way, he scares him very much.
  • this week, he has also developed grazing and sucking reflexes.
  • the caller becomes smoother, and from the old man he becomes like a baby

Mom's care

Future mothers must understand that it was the beginning of the third stage of development of their baby - this is the most responsible period in its development, so it is worth being alert. Often it is precisely on this time with the baby who can occur unpleasant things that can affect his health. If from your vagina suddenly selected a watery type, you should not slow, you need to quickly apply to your attending specialist.

Such a process may cause the leakage of the oily water, and this. In turn, it may be threatened with premature births who do not need a baby (after all, it is not fully developed), nor his mother.

It is also not very good if there will be a sharp and sufficient strong pain in the lower back, as well as the abdominal cavity at the bottom of you. On this time, mommy should not feel excessive weakness, because it is also a bad sign. If during this period you have a bleeding type, urgently go to the doctor, because it may be a sign of discontinuation of the placenta, and this is not very good.

Baby on week 26

In this period, the fetus can weigh up to 850 g, and its growth is no more than 33 cm. Changes in the development of the baby during the pregnancy period under review:

  • Trying to breathe, despite the fact that the tissue of the lungs during such attempts is not painted.

  • The kid's brain does not cease to develop and already ripen cells that are responsible for thinking of the fetus.
  • Now the baby starts to form a schedule of his sleep and wakefulness, so you have a moment to try to establish a comfortable sleep schedule for you.
  • The baby perceives well and reacts to everything that happens in mom's life:
  • In the period under review, mommies are already not to fly better, because the pressure is constantly jumping, and the baby reacts very badly to such a process - he may not have enough oxygen, so think about how to fly somewhere. If there is an opportunity, refuse the flights already on the 26th week of tooling the baby.
  • Changing climatic conditions also negatively affect your baby (if even adults sometimes react seriously to this kind of change, which is not to talk about a man).

  • Do not also do in the last trimester and various kinds of vaccinations. Mom should understand that any vaccine is a reflection for the body, and not only the mother, but also unprotected by the immune system of the child's body.
  • Even if the future mother loves risk and extreme, it is worth abandoning such pleasures during pregnancy, especially already by 26 weeks. Commier about baby and his nervous and physical condition in your womb.
  • Do not experiment with your diet. There should be no innovations in your food. Also avoid tasting a variety of exotic dishes, because the kid's reaction on them cannot be detected from 100% probability.

Remember, all that drinks, eats and feels mommy, is already clearly transmitted to the baby, and therefore you should care yourself, because such a concern for yourself is also concerned about the baby. Be careful everywhere and in everything. Try to be less nervous, move more. Do not sleep too much and lying. Because such passivity often leads to swelling and low pressure pregnant.

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