38 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

38 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

Previously, when the woman was in the position. She could only rely on her feelings. There was no knowledge and literature about this, and everything that the future mother knew that when the fight would begin, it means that the birth began. Today, modern moms cannot without know that they are waiting for during pregnancy. Let's get together to feel my mother and kid at the 38 week of pregnancy.

Pregnancy - 38 week

So, it is already coming to the end of the third trimester of pregnancy and moms begin to be nervous and worried about emergence. It is worth noting that according to statistics, a small number of moms give birth on the period under consideration, most often it is still 39 or 40th week.

For those who do not trust give birth to girlfriends and acquaintances, do not want to consult with their moms and grandmothers (they all had everything differently - many thinking), you can make an example for special pregnant courses. It is worth doing this only if your health and condition allows you to do it.

It is here that the future mother will be able to learn a lot of things cognitive, instructive and interesting about the upcoming births. Among other things, experts will also provide psychological assistance, if necessary (and it is needed in most cases).

These courses may also offer affiliate childbirth, agree to which, or not - to solve you exclusively.

The fruit has once again increased, and now Mom, even if she used to know what it is, it can well feel like such an unpleasant burning in itself (this problem has the name of the heartburn - in general, which is felt and is called). It turns out that the fruit is due to the permanent growth gives to various organs, which causes the release of acid into the esophagus.

What can help in this case, ask you, the answer is simple - the diet will have to adjust, otherwise, the problem of this nature is unlikely to be able to escape, because drug treatment in such a state (tooling the fetus) is prohibited. So, no fat food is needed in 4.5 hours before sleep, at least.

Kid at week 38

The growth of the baby does not stop until the birth, so that at the 38 week of its length can reach 50 cm, and the weight up to 2.5 kg. It happens that too large fruit can weigh more, but mostly 2.3-2.4 kg. Due to the intense growth of the baby, there is no longer enough space to flounder inside freely, as before. For this reason, the situation has to accept the forced - the head is pressed against the knees, and the handles to the body. It often happens that the position taken at the 39th week, the baby does not change down until the release.

If it happens that the fruit will decide to appear on the light before the last time, namely, at 33 week, it is not worth it for this reason, because the body is quite viable at this time. Yes, then you will have to go to the mother with the baby in the hospital until it matures, as it should be, but it is not deadly, definitely.

The most important functions of their vital activity is already able to perform. These include - breathing and movement. The problem of children born on this period is not formed heat exchange, because the fiber under the skin is still not enough.

At the 38 week of tooling the baby, he already formed cartilages on the ears, the nail plates on the limbs are also beginning, and wrinkles are already manifested in the footsteps.

Future mom at the 38 week of pregnancy

Often, future mothers on the term under consideration begin to feel no strong pulling pain at the bottom of the belly, which always scare pregnant women, because it is believed that in most cases it is connected either with premature birth, or with some kind of problems in the body that negatively affects kid.

The excess fluid is gradually postponed in the body of a pregnant woman, and calcium becomes deficient vitamin in the body, because of which spasms in the muscles, called convulsions, often appear. Often, pregnant women at that time appear stretch marks on the stomach, due to the fact that the leather of the front wall of the peritoneum becomes too stretched.

In order to avoid it, it is worth using special creams from stretch marks or at least moisturizing compositions, as well as wearing a bandage that will be an excellent assistant for both the physical condition of mommy and to maintain the normal state of the skin.

It also happens often that an enlarged uterus begins to press the diaphragm (an increase in the volume of which is provoked by the growth of the fetus, respectively), which leads to the appearance of the breath.

Future mom's diet

It is necessary to pay special attention to this item, because the further state of the baby will depend on it. So, on this period of pregnancy, it is advisable to eat the following products in food:

  • cottage cheese or curved mass
  • cream
  • olelets on a couple
  • sour cream
  • meat (but exceptionally boiled)

It is these antacitis that are excellent assistants in the fight against heartburn, if such has a place to be. It is also advisable to include in the diet and prunes, even if the pregnant woman does not like too much, as well as beets in the boiled form.

Exclude from your diet follows the following products:

  • sauces, especially sharp
  • mayonnaise
  • garlic
  • mushrooms
  • black coffee
  • radish
  • cabbage

It is worth understanding that this term may be the appearance of toxicosis (the name of which is late), so it is necessary to prepare for this outcome of the events.

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