17 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

17 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

Many future mothers are considered deadlines for their pregnancy in months, despite the fact that doctors categorically refuse to conduct an account in this way. Because the right account is considered in weeks. Let's talk today about what happens at the 17th week of tooling the baby.

Fifth month of pregnancy

So, the baby in the womb is developing not by day, but by the clock, and everything changes in the blink of an eye. Mothermiam is very interested to know what is waiting for them on a certain period of pregnancy - what happens to the baby, with the mother's mother and what you need to know about this period of pregnancy.

I would like to start with the fact that every grandfather in the Regulation should understand that there was no longer a date of pregnancy, she should surround himself exclusively positive and charges a good mood.

To begin with, we will pass on the sensations that you can test on the 17th week of tooling the fetus:

  • Some future mothers begin to problems with gums, they can start bleeding.
  • Among other things, from the vagina can begin to go allocations that there before was not.
  • Some women begin to suffer from excessive sweating.
  • The features of the face begin to change, and, quite noticeable, even for the most pregnant man - the nose begins to break out, getting bigger, the face gradually becomes wider and more, even if the pregnant woman didn't get too much and gained weight until that time.
  • As for internal changes, it can be said that the uterus does not stop growing and on this period, and the stomach is already hard to hide from others, so do not try to do it by dressing yourself in broad tunics and dresses, because it will not save Time to show your position.
  • If earlier to feel the movement of the kid you needed to fasten certain places, at week 17, the baby will already move so that it will be possible to notice this with a naked eye.

Future development

The blood in the body of a pregnant woman becomes more and due to this blood can go from the nose or from the gums, too far to scare this innovation (if it is not an excessive loss of blood). Among other things, sometimes it happens that pregnant women occasionally throw in the heat.

It is very important to pass all the necessary research to identify possible pathologies. This is done at exactly 17 weeks. If the parents still did not know who they would have, on this period of ultrasound will give 100% answer to this question.

It is worth emphasizing that from this period, the baby immunity will work as a separate mechanism. It turns out that if suddenly the future mammy suddenly squeezes, the fruit is no longer sick with her mother, because he has his own immunity and its own defense.

If we talk about the sizes of the fetus, then it resembles an apple or a small pear that weighs no more than 150-190 grams. The crocha inside you already hears the voices, may feel the mood of your mother, so from now on you have to pay special attention to being always on a positive and with a good mood, because it's all transmitted to the baby.

Feeling mom

Mommies often suggest that this term often pulls at the bottom of the abdominal cavity. There is nothing terrible in this, because (as mentioned earlier) the uterus grows, and the increase in its size can cause the sensations under consideration.

So that it is not so painful, try to do everything not quickly and enough smoothly, rest as often as possible.

If suddenly, on this time you have blood from the vagina. This is a sign of what is worth abandoning sex life. Do not immediately panic when such symptoms appear, just consult with your attending physician.

Remember if the blood selections began on the period under consideration and at the same time all this is accompanied by painful sensations in the back or abdominal cavity, urgently contact the doctor, because these symptoms are signs of pregnancy interruption. In general, this period is considered quite risky, so it is worth carefully monitoring all the sensations and painful syndromes that attend the body of pregnant women on the period under consideration.

So, it is necessary to eat on this period as well as on previous, proteins in this case in priority. If a pregnant seems to be that she constantly wants to eat, standing immediately after the emergence of such a desire, just drinking a glass of water and the feeling of hunger immediately disappears or dults.

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