39 week of pregnancy - what happens?

39 week of pregnancy - what happens?

Women carrying baby are very worried about their condition, health of the fetus. They want to know what is happening with the mother and child's body throughout the pregnancy. Today we will talk about what is 39 weeks of laminating the fetus, and that during this period happens with the fruit and the future mother.

39 weeks - finish straight

At first it immediately wants to assure moms who are very afraid to give birth ahead of the deadline, 39 weeks - your baby has already been formed and this week a great time to the baby will appear on the light, so you don't worry about what. The main thing is that by this moment all the necessary documents and things in the hospital are collected.

It is also desirable to prepare the room for your baby, because on this period there is a high probability to give birth, and when you arrive home from the maternity hospital, so that everything is prepared for the full and joyful life of your baby.

If we talk about the size of the crumbs, then at this stage it is very similar to a small watermelon, weighing 3.5 kg, an increase in 39 week can reach 45 cm.

This period is characterized as uncertainty and variability. The fact is that future mothers on the eve of such a wonderful event as the appearance of baby on the light, and at the same time of such a terrible event as childbirth. Everyone knows that it is unpleasant to give birth, and this is at least, so call this process is simple, it is definitely impossible.

At this stage of the development of the baby, the stomach is already starting to descend and it is at that moment a mother feels some relief - it is easier for her, and it is easier for her, but a swelling can make himself felt.

What does mom feel?

Let's consider the feelings of the future mom during this period:

  • The cub is moving not so tearing, because the places in the uterus becomes not enough for its size, and any movement at this stage can be painful for mom (each case is individual)
  • The bladder suffers this week more than everyone, because the child begins intensively and put it enough for him.
  • Changes on the hormonal level are the cause of frequent panos.
  • The appetite of the future mommy increases, but it is necessary to restrain itself, because a set of excess weight at the end of pregnancy, not at all to what, nor mom, no baby.

At the moment, the so-called training contractions may appear, which are often frightened by future mothers, because they think that the time has come to give birth.

Despite the fact that the fruit at this stage of development has already been fully prepared for the emergence of light, it still continues to develop:

  • puffed hair on the fetus body is already missing
  • skin of gentle pink light
  • vision Other organs formed full

Despite the fact that the above was said that the baby is not so actively and quickly moving inside the mother, its movements and movements must be regular. If it does not happen, it is necessary to refer to your doctor, because it is not considered normal.

Changes that occur inside a woman:

  • The uterus is shortened to 1 cm (in this case, the intensity of the reduction will directly depend on the predisposition of the body, as well as heredity, should not be overlooked from the type and such a criterion as an individuality of each person).
  • The cable channel can be softer and will increase in size, which further leads to the discharge of the plug, which becomes the harbinger of highly childbirth.
  • The placenta at this stage of pregnancy begins to grow old, which means that the protection mechanism becomes less.

Changes in the Baby Body

Every woman in the position should know that stress. Fears and other negative emotions brake the process of starting childbirth. That is why, especially on this period, pregnant must take care of its physical and moral condition. In this she should help her close people and all. Who surrounds her.

  1. There should be no physical exertion at the 39 week and this is not just a recommendation, but a kind of taboo.
  2. Since the child's body does not stop developing in the womb, the following changes occur at 39 weeks:
  3. Development of a very important hormone called cortisol. It is thanks to him that the baby's lungs are formed, as it should be fully. And as soon as this hormone, it will be done enough, the child will be able to breathe independently, and this is one of its most important functions.
  4. The kid's subcutaneous fat has accumulated by 39 week enough, so he has full skin.
  5. At this stage, the baby begins to turn over (if he did not do it before) head in a small pelvis, that is, thus, it is preparing for the exit.
  6. Often, if the childbirth occurs on the term under consideration, the baby's neck in the womb is embodied by the umbilical cord, so that obstetres in this case are special care during the adoption of labor.

As for the likelihood of the beginning of childbirth for this week, believe me, according to statistics. It is large enough, and therefore mom should be ready for such a turn of events:

  • Things kid are cooked
  • Things in maternity hospital packaged
  • Houses Remo
  • Everything is prepared for the kid arrival

Documents lie in a certain place so that if necessary, you could quickly take them and go to the hospital to give birth.

So, if you felt that the muscles of the lower extremities are pulled, and, very much, the stomach dropped even lower, and the navel completely got out to the outside, it means you will give birth soon.
If the childbirth does not occur on this period, and you are very expected for one reason or another, then use one of the methods of accelerating childbirth:

  • Sexual contact (this way works quite often, so keep in mind)
  • The kneading nipples of a woman and their intensive stimulation
  • The load of the physical plan (you should not overdo it with them, because you can harm the baby).

Prepare for childbirth, they will come completely soon.

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