20 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

20 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

20 weeks characterized as half of the path traveled. The second trimester is the most calm, because behind the toxicosis and threats in the early stages. And what happens this week with a child and pregnant?

What happens to the baby?

  • Child in 15 cm
  • Toddler weight Approximately 230 grams
  • Lightweight and digestive organs develop
  • The fetus appeared taste receptors
  • The baby still does not see completely, but he has a light response
  • Soft cannon covers head
  • The child begins to memorize the voice of mom and sounds
  • The skin is covered with lubrication
  • Ikota appears that the future mother may feel

What happens to pregnant?

  • Future Mom Feels Toddler
  • Closes the navel, because the uterus is already at the navel level
  • Constipation and heartburn may appear
  • The appearance of shortness of breath
  • If the cramps in caviar started at this time, then the body lacks vitamins
  • At 20 week, the doctor may appoint an ultrasound

More often walk and satisfy the organism with oxygen. Do not walk in one position, more often change the postures. Enjoy the pregnancy, because it remains to wait as much as (or less) - and you will see with your child!

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