14 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

14 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

One of the most favorable weeks in pregnancy. As a rule, during this period, the woman feels just wonderful, the tummy has already begins to grow and it enters the stage of "complete awareness of pregnancy." Toxicosis is completely leaving, taste qualities are returned, and the reactions to extraneous smells no longer appear.

What does the baby look like on 14 weeks?

The baby has already well formed features of the face, and its internal organs begin to actively work. He fastened well in the uterus, so there is no threat of miscarriage. The child begins to act and study the place in which he dwells, even licks the placenta to understand what it tastes.

  • the first hair on the head appear;
  • the baby begins to swim, tumbling;
  • the fetus reacts to loud sounds and light;
  • his mood depends on the mood of his mother (if the future mother is upset, the child reduces its activity);
  • the baby reacts to touching the stomach (start stroking the belly, sing lullabies and talk to the child, be sure to teach the dad to this process so that the little "puppier" remember the voice of the voice.
  • on the palms, the drawing begins to form;
  • the fruit begins to suck the finger, he really likes this process;
  • eyes, nose, ear sinks are fully formed;
  • the baby begins to make a grimace (he begins to express his emotions);
  • nervous system is developing hard;
  • the size of the kid reaches up to 12 cm;
  • the bone marrow begins to produce blood cells;
  • the baby begins to see little;
  • sweet glands are formed.

How does mom feel?

The future mother for this term begins to feel good. Anxiety and nervousness pass, appetite is returned. It is worth worrying about changing the wardrobe, as the stomach begins to round and lightly noticeable. Do not wear jeans with high fit, give preference to leggings or leggings on the rubber band. Many noted that by 14 weeks, many new moles and papillomas appear, they do not make up and often pass after childbirth. Also, pregnant women marked:

  • increased interest in sweet products (can be used, but in moderate quantity);
  • nail fragility appears and easy hair loss (it is necessary to drink a course of the vitamins that the doctor will appoint);
  • easy pull back pain and spine;
  • you can hear the first shoes of the baby (but it hears not everyone, but only very slender moms or women who have already gave birth);
  • woman's walking begins to change (forget about shoes on high heels);
  • normalizes sleep;
  • there was a desire to spend more time in the fresh air;
  • some fencers appear shortness of breath;
  • a pregnant woman feels a feeling of suturing of the abdomen (this is due to the growth of the uterus and is absolutely not dangerous);
  • the chest increased even more, it was noticeably flooded, but there are no painful sensations;
  • the appearance of red or brown strides on the stomach (it's time to bother about the condition of the skin, take special oil from stretch marks).

Sex at the 14th week of pregnancy

On this period, many women increase sexual desire. She is pleased with his figure, the size of the chest, its libido increases, especially in the morning. It often dreams erotic dreams. In bed, a pregnant woman becomes more demanding to his partner, this moment must take into account the spouse. You can have sex if there are no contraindications. Feel free to ask such questions to your doctor.

Future mom

Mom's nutrition should be balanced, completely refuse to coffee and strong tea, since the baby begins to form a nervous system, be sure to turn on the products in the diet, which includes vitamins of group B and Mg:

  • walnuts;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn tea;
  • beef liver;
  • beans;
  • kuraga, prunes;
  • buckwheat.

Try not to experience stress and chat as much as possible with your baby.

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