At 7 week, the woman is already for sure that they know that they are pregnant. Especially about the situation resembles the morning nausea and mood swings. Toxicosis is found in almost all future mothers, only every every way is experiencing this difficult period. Externally, the woman's belly does not change, but a little life inside it begins to actively and continuously nimble.
How does a child develop?
The fruit switched from the embryonic stage in the embryophutal period. Now he has the root of almost all internal organs and begins to resemble a completely tiny little man. Learn the floor of the future child is not possible. Every new day for the fetus is incredibly important in its development:
- the bone system begins to develop;
- milk teeth (no, baby does not born with teeth);
- the fruit begins to feel emotions, and even experience fear and stress;
- its development began the brain layer of adrenal cortex;
- the growth of the embryo can be 13 mm (the size of the bells);
- the basic brain department was formed;
- the nervous system begins to actively develop;
- a cardiovascular system is born;
- the limbs begin to develop;
- the mouth has been formed, lips appeared;
- breath organs are born;
- the stomach began to produce gastric juice.
How does mom feel?
The future mother begins to feel the "charms" of 1 trimester. Euphoria from news that you will soon have a baby, goes to the background, since the body begins to restructure, toxicosis begins. First of all, it is necessary to visit the doctor to establish an accurate period of pregnancy and found out if the threat of miscarriage. It is very important to maintain a woman in this difficult period and tolerate all its whims, nerve breaks and frequent bursts of emotions. Also, the future mothers are noted at 7 week:
- nausea and vomiting;
- intolerance of the stuffiness, sharp odors;
- drowsiness;
- reducing performance (if possible, take a week vacation at work);
- lack of appetite;
- ache falls on the face;
- on breasts can be veins;
- excitement, fears, apathy;
- weight loss;
- the appearance of vascular stars;
- sharp mood change;
- the desire to take care of cases that early did not attract attention;
- headaches and even migraines (about this symptom to inform the doctor);
- lightweight pain at the bottom of the abdomen (if the pain is strong, urgently contact the hospital);
- transparent discharge from the vagina, not having a smell (if the selection has a pink shade, there is blood impurities or pus, immediately call an ambulance).
Many future mothers advise this week to be at home, in a family circle to avoid the complications of hatching the fetus. Since during this period the child begins to form a nervous system, you should not keep calm and limit yourself from stressful situations.
Sex at 7 pregnancy week
Many future mothers have sexual attraction on this period. A woman can excite even the usual touch of a partner. Feelings are exacerbated, emotions are increasing during sex. The girl wants to change the usual intimate life and give her new paints. If there is no threat of interrupting pregnancy, it is allowed to live sexual life.
Future mom
Now a woman must completely revise its usual diet. Exclude the use of any alcoholic beverages, even a glass of red wine can be harmful to the fetus and even provoke its fading. To reduce the symptoms of toxicosis is allowed to drink ginger tea (preferably chilled) and fasten green tea with lemon. Increase the number of calories consumed. Eat in the food that has passed the heat treatment. It is better to limit yourself from salty or smoked fish dishes (including sushi). Start feeding fractionally, pay special attention:
- non-fat curd;
- boiled meat;
- fresh vegetables salads (except cabbage);
- fruit (especially bananas).
Do not forget about the use of folic acid. The duration of the course lasts until the second trimester starts, only the doctor is appointed correct dosage.