4 week of pregnancy is a serious stage in the development and formation of an embryo, although a woman can also not guess that a new life originated in it. It was from the 4th obstetric week of a tiny embryo, an embryo is formed and fixed in the uterus. What happens in the body of a woman at the 4th week of pregnancy?
Signs of pregnancy
The 4th week is the stage of the implantation of the fetus to the walls of the uterus. A bright symptom of the coming pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. In case, for some reason, the embryo attachment in the womb did not occur, the woman begins menstruation, so many do not even realize that they were pregnant.
Pregnancy test will show 2 strips only after delay.
At the inspection of the gynecologist, the probability of establishing pregnancy is low, the doctor can only notify minor changes in the structure of the cervix. Confirm pregnancy is possible only with the help of blood test on hong hCG. At the 4th week, there are often cases of implanting bleeding - one-time, minor bloody or oscillations. This is due to the fastening of the embryo to the uterus. Often, women notice a significant increase in the mucous membranes from the vagina, produced by its organism to form a special cork, which will protect the fetus from external negative factors. The secret to be released from the vagina should alert a woman if he:
- It has an unpleasant odor and intense shade of yellow, brown, has blossomed intersions, a curl structure.
- Allocations are abundant, thick and cause itching and discomfort.
In the presence of such discharge, a woman should visit his gynecologist to clarify the causes of the pregnancy uncharacteristic for this period.
Changes in the body of a woman
The rapid change in the hormonal background at the 4th week is associated with the active development of hormone hgch, progesterone and estrogen in the body of the future mother. The mood changes under the influence of pregnancy hormones, drowsiness and weakness increase. The sensations of a woman at this stage of pregnancy depend on the individual characteristics of its organism and from the state of health:
- The future mother is experiencing pulling pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes a woman can take them as a sign of premenstrual syndrome. The chest increases in the amount, the mammary glands swell, the sensitivity and soreness of the nipples increases.
- The mood changes rapidly, the plasiveness increases, irritability, the drowsiness appears, the decline of the forces.
- Increases sensitivity to smells. Favorite flavors (perfumes, products) become unbearable. A woman is hard in the stuffy room.
- A clocking phenomenon is the lack of appetite, many women, on the contrary, notice that they quickly gain extra kilograms due to increased appetite. Many future mothers appear unusual addiction in food. There are problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, meteorism.
- Less often, already at the 4th week of pregnancy, signs of early toxicosis are observed: vomiting, morning nausea, dizziness.
What does the embryo look like at the 4th week of pregnancy?
At this stage of pregnancy, the weight of the embryo is less than 1 gram, in shape it resembles the poppy grains. The embryo is actively growing, it develops basic vital organs and tissues.
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At the 4th week, a woman notes that her waist increases by 1-2 cm. It can be noticed on previously loose clothes, which is now tightly sits on the figure. Some women celebrate a small weight set. In early toxicosis, weight loss is loss of up to 3 kg.
The fourth week of the "interesting situation" is an important stage in the life of the future mother, when she only realizes that her life will not be such as before, and there was a new life in it. A woman gradually adapts to a new state, physical and psychological plan.
To pregnancy proceed without complications, a woman, more than ever, need care and understanding from loved ones. During this period, it is important to avoid excessive exercise and stress so that the embryo is well strengthened in the uterus and continued its active development in the womb.