12 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

12 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

A woman is preparing to become a mother. Pregnancy has already come, all sensations, accompanying it, in a novelty. Usually, future mothers try to find out in advance that they are waiting for them, it is on this or that week it happens to herself and her baby in the womb. Now we will look at how the fruit develops and that the future mother feels on the 12th week of expectation of the child's appearance.

What doctors understand under 12 weeks of pregnancy?

In fact, your baby is only 10 weeks. It was this time that passed since the conception. Why then do the doctors operate the deadlines in 12 weeks? Here is in the appearance of the obstetric period of pregnancy, which is counted from the date of the last menstruation, called a woman during a visit to the gynecologist.

This period is 12 weeks - a peculiar psychological border for the future mother. On this time, the first trimester ends, which for most mothers is the most difficult and heavy. It is usually in 12 weeks any threat to losing the baby stopped, toxicosis retreats, and those women who have thought out, interrupt pregnancy or not, can begin to rejoice in future motherhood, since after 12 weeks abortion will not make any respectful doctor, unless medical Indications for this.

What happens to the baby on this time?

  • For 12 weeks of development, the fruit is already quite similar to a person. Of course, the proportions are not yet observed and the head is most of the whole body. But, nevertheless, this is a real living person with an increase in about 9 cm and weighing about 14 years of the fruit's eyes are not yet open, but the reaction to light is already observed.
  • Give clear guarantees, a boy or a girl will be born, it is impossible for a period of 12 weeks. The genitals have not yet been made to the end, so the probability of error in the definition of the floor is very large.
  • Fingers are already clearly visible on the limbs, they are separated and decorated.
  • The baby is already moving, though these movements are not meaningful and full of chaos. But this is a reaction to signals supplied by the body of the kid with its spinal cord.
  • This period is formed by a swallowing reflex. This is manifested in the form of a swallowing of the octoral water.
  • Also on this time the kidneys begin to function and this is observed in the form of selection of several droplets of urine.
  • The baby begins to "breathe", the number of these very peculiar breaths is 80 times per minute. It is so that the blood of the mother enriches the blood of a kid oxygen.
  • Also on this time it is possible to observe that with accidental fingers getting into the mouth, the kid is accepted actively sucking.
  • The main bodies of the child are already formed and precisely from 12 weeks the stage of their active development begins.

How does a pregnant woman feel on a period of 12 weeks?

  1. First of all, a pregnant woman on a period of 12 weeks notices that her pulse significantly increased. This is due to the fact that the baby "silent" and now mother has to provide oxygen 2 people. That is, the heart has to pump a greater amount of blood, and the poet number of impacts per minute is forced to increase.
  2. At the 12th week of pregnancy, those women who suffered from toxicosis attacks usually experience significant relief. It passes at all or becomes less intense.
  3. The reduced pressure, which was the cause of weakness, bad mood and the permanent desire to sleep, retreated, now everything is normal.
  4. The desire to settle in the toilet due to frequent urges to urination passes. Now it can be forgotten for months to 7-8 months.
  5. Mood swings, the desire to regret the cats and kill people at the same time retreats. We can forget about the plakeyness.
  6. The chest has already increased significantly, the middle line on the stomach has become darker.
  7. It is possible to appear pigment stains, but it is not necessary to scare - this is a temporary phenomenon, they will disappear soon after delivery.
  8. The abdomen is not yet, and if there is, it is completely impaired and is not yet a hindrance for active pastime, walks and even easy sports.
  9. Abdominal pain on this period is rather normal than an exception to the rules, they can be associated with muscle load on the uterus. Supports may also appear or elevated skin of the skin. But despite the fact that this is the norm, with pain you need to immediately consult a doctor, and about other symptoms to tell the first visit to the gynecologist.
  10. Vaginal discharge can intensify, but they are most often associated with the work of bacteria, candidiasis or infection. To reveal this will help the smear taken on the planned inspection, any infections should be cured, as they represent a potential danger to pregnancy.

What does the doctor recommend women with 12 week pregnancy?

12 weeks - this is the end of the third path to be pregnant. Doctors on this period give the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to take more carefully to your regime and get enough sleep.
  • Try not to overeat. Better more often and gradually snack between the main trapes. The snacks must be useful.
  • 12 weeks is the time when the doctor recommends starting to take special vitamins. These recommendations should be followed, since the body of a pregnant woman needs additional vitamins, microelements and minerals.
  • The quantity and time of walks must be enlarged.
  • Women should ensure that the chair is regular and preferably daily.
  • The woman should remain calm, as any unrest and nerves can negatively affect the baby. In order not to happen, the first thing must be thought of myself, pregnancy and the future child.
  • For any deviations, discharge, especially bloody, temperature, pains need to immediately flee to the doctor or cause ambulance.
  • At this time, a planned ultrasound study is appointed, which is aimed at monitoring the development of the baby in the womb and compliance with all standards.
  • Also, on this time, the first screening is appointed - these are additional analyzes - in addition to the ultrasound, blood or span water is taken. The task of screening to identify deviations in the development of the fetus in the initial timing and pathology. This is necessary for faithful pregnancy.

12 weeks - this is a turning point in the life of every pregnant woman. From now on, it all starts to truly. This is the time when she begins to really feel a future mother, awareness of responsibility comes together with the first ultrasound and a growing tummy.

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