30 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

30 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

30 week of pregnancy is an amazing time. The woman has completely felt all the delights of the kid waiting. She will have to go on maternity leave and all his time prepared for the appearance of one more, perhaps the most important person in the house. What is during this period and on this period takes place with the body of the woman herself and her child?

What happens to the baby for 30 weeks of pregnancy?

If you consider the obstetric weeks, then it is 29 full. From the moment of conception passed 28 weeks. The child is already quite large and active and can sometimes deliver significant concerns and discomfort to his mother.

  • If you compare the size of the child with something more visual, then its dimensions are like a medium-sized cabbage coach.
  • The growth of the child is about 40 cm, and it weighs about 1.5 kg.
  • As for 30 week, the child develops the brain in an inexistable way. It is on this time that he becomes such. Like all people - consisting of peculiar wrinkles that are called convulsions.
  • The nervous system also becomes more perfect and continues to develop.
  • Thin hair cover, which up to this period covered the baby's body, disappear, the skin of the child becomes smooth.
  • The baby began to produce a special substance, doctors call him a "souffortant". It is it that does not give a light baby to glue during breathing. However, the lungs are still imperfect and if the baby appears on the light on this period, it will not be able to breathe independently, it will need the help of special devices.
  • In the 30th week of development inside the womb, the liver is actively working. It accumulates iron so that the baby's blood in the 1st year of life was saturated with them and no anemia arose.
  • The heartbeat is already stable, hot and beats the heart often. It is believed that the boys rhythm is more stable and rare, and girls are frequent and bruising.
  • The baby is already closely in the mother's uterus, mostly the child has already taken his main position and is most often in the head preview. He is preparing in advance of the emergence.
  • The child is already pronounced facial expressions, he is capable of burning and grimaced.
  • The eyes of the baby are open, he clearly reacts to the light that penetrates the uterus from the outside.

How does it feel and what does pregnant feel at 30 week?

  • Future mom more often can feel discomfort. The increasing uterus constantly presses on the internal organs. Problems with a chair, digestion, etc. may occur.
  • The bladder also has pressure, so the urination frequency is extended, comparable, perhaps, only with the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Funny faint. The fruit presses on the diaphragm and lungs, sometimes may not have enough air and regularly the appearance of a feeling of fool.
  • The chapels of the baby take a completely different character. The child is closely in the uterus and now it is no longer repelled, but rests on his feet and hands in the walls of the uterus.
  • Often, women on this period complain of pain in the legs and lower back, spine and pubic area. All this consequences of overload and exercise can help facilitate the state.
  • Abdominal pain is also not uncommon - they can wear different character. With them, it is better to immediately contact the doctor so that he determined their nature.
  • Very often, headaches may occur on this period. This is also a consequence of general changes in the body of the future mother. Headaches tolerate do not need. It is better to appeal to the doctor, which will write down the drug suitable for pregnant women who can remove unpleasant sensations.
  • The main task of a woman on this period is to keep track of an increase in weight and remember that at 30 weeks it should not exceed 10-11 kg. And for the entire pregnancy you need to dial no more than 16 kg. If the increase significantly exceeds the norm - you need to go to the doctor.
  • Many pregnant women on this period have an unpleasant feeling in the limbs - hands and legs, as well as stomachs can swell. This means that the fluid does not have timely excreted from the body. This can be a problem and often women suffering from edema are hospitalized.
  • Women on 30 weeks of pregnancy may noted that the number of secretions has increased. It is rather normal than deviation from it. However, if blood was selected in the discharge - it is necessary to urgently cause ambulance and go to the hospital for the examination. If highlights are watery - it can be spindle water, and it should not be dragged too and you need to consult a doctor.
  • Also, many women have a question about intimate life on this period. If there are no rigorous medical contraindications, then everything is in order, the main thing in any case should be careful.

Medical recommendations for 30 weeks of pregnancy

  • 30 weeks - this is a control period on which a number of analyzes and surveys are appointed to control the state of the mother and child, as well as to bring the woman on maternity leave. Urine surrenders regularly. Again the smear and blood for HIV and the Russian Federation are appointed.
  • A woman visits the Doctor for 1 time in 2 weeks and regularly passes a survey on the weight, pressure and sizes of the abdomen. The doctor also regularly monitors the heartset of the fetus and its position.
  • Also, on a period of 30 to 32 weeks of the mother, an ultrasound study and doppler is prescribed, which determines how effectively the blood supply to the fetus.
  • On this duration of the uterus, the stomach is significantly increased. Probably the formation of stretch marks. Therefore, a woman is recommended to use special creams and lotions to prevent them.
  • Mother's nutrition must be balanced and correct. If she has the most problems with the preparation of the diet, then it is worth consulting a doctor for consultation on nutrition.
  • For a period of 30 weeks, it is already worth thinking about visiting courses for pregnancy and childbirth.
  • If a woman is anxious before the appearance of a baby, feels insecure, then it is worth visiting a psychologist who will help to overcome these difficulties and enjoy the last weeks of the kid waiting.

Before birth, a maximum of 10 weeks left, and even less. Therefore, every day of pregnancy needs to be used with the mind, enjoy, walking, getting ready to become a mother and most importantly - rejoice and not to lose the presence of the spirit. Everything will be fine, the baby will soon be born and the mother's task is to carefully prepare for this joyful event.


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