29 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

29 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

Many future mothers have already issued maternity leave this week and rest in a cozy home atmosphere. But not everyone can do it, since the growing tummy begins to bring discomfort and a woman feels his helplessness. She is harder to do homework, there are already limitations on a lot. The fruit is increasingly reminding his mother about himself and the long-awaited jolts are now the norm.

Future development

The fruit has already become quite large. It is much less sleeping and often awakes. If he wants to eat, be sure to report it to his mother. Puzzle becomes more demanding, he expresses his discontent when he hears loud and unpleasant sounds. Does not really like when his future mother is indoors, where there is no sufficient amount of oxygen (for example, shopping centers, cinemas). By 29 week, the kid has enough achievements:

  • ravenly lubricant gradually disappears;
  • dense eyelashes continue their height;
  • the kid actively studies his hands and legs, grabs them, squeezes fists;
  • easy are virtually ready (if there is a threat to premature birth, it is quite possible that the child will begin to breathe independently, without the help of the device);
  • muscles are actively developing, movements become more meaningful;
  • on the skin of the kid disappears the gun (Lano);
  • significantly increased subcutaneous fat, the skin was practically formed;
  • the liver shape is practically formed, it actively performs its function;
  • the kid can already smile, sad;
  • if he is hidden behind the eye, he can scratch it;
  • the body became proportional.

Mom's feeling and mood

If you have not felt the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy, then from 29 weeks you will become clear to what future mothers complain so much. You will become bad, forgetful and scattered. Forget personal belongings will be an ordinary thing. The jolts of the baby will seem not so pleasant, most often they bring discomfort and even painful sensations. If the baby has an inconvenient position, then on your stomach it may seem a small handle, leg or even a head. Also in future mothers on this period marks:

  • nipple swelling (browse can already appear, so start stocking with special boosters for the chest);
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • on legs, hands can manifest a vein or venous mesh;
  • appetite will increase even more (you want sweet and salty at the same time);
  • the hair will lose their natural glitter;
  • the amount of urination will increase;
  • changing the gait (kosolapience can begin);
  • feeling of hot tides;
  • cramps, numbness numbers;
  • pulling back pain;
  • stretching on the stomach change color, they will be red or even violet (try not to bring the skin to such a state, since it is almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks);
  • the chest increased significantly (do not carry a bra with Push-ap, give preference to special underwear sets for future mothers);
  • heartburn;
  • caprises and overestimated requirements (now you have moved to the stage "pregnant women cannot", this motto you use in public transport, queues in the store and just lying on the sofa).

Future mom

To alleviate and so "heavy" position, the mother should eat balanced. Many manarbeds by 29 week are gaining overweight, which can harm both a woman and the future kid. Therefore, the gynecologist can "put" you on a special diet. Also, pregnant women appear with kidneys, so we advise you to go to:

  • viscous porridges (rice it is necessary to exclude);
  • compote from dried fruits (juices are better not to drink);
  • low-fat cottage cheese and yogurts without taste additives (milk, sour cream, ryuzhenka eliminate);
  • boiled beef and lamb (fatty meat banned).

Despite the new feelings that the future mother experiences, it is still in the good arms of the Spirit. She mentally picks up a name for his Chad and persogently waiting for a long-awaited meeting.

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