What does cork look like in pregnant women?

What does cork look like in pregnant women?

Pregnant woman should know exactly what changes occur in its body. The fact that such a mucous plug is, the girl does not even suspect to stay in an interesting position. But every future mother must know exactly what a traffic jam looks like and at what moment it should move away. After all, this process indicates speeds.

View and Cork Functions

The plug is a plug of mucus of transparent, white or yellow. Sometimes the selection can be with a small amount of blood. This is not dangerous, but if the plug is all in the blood, it testifies to the detachment of the placenta, in this case it is necessary to urgently apply to the hospital. The plug, before it did not move away, to see or forgive themselves will not succeed. But the functions that perform a completely imperceptible "thing", extremely important:

  • protects the future kid from infections;
  • protects the female organism from the development of candida fungi;
  • when the future mother lives sex life, prevents infection with infections, which are transmitted by sexual means;
  • with such a cork, a woman can safely swim in an open reservoir or pool and are not afraid that dirty or chlorinated water will bring harm to the future kid.

How to understand that the plug has moved away?

Even the most experienced doctor cannot say the exact time of dyeing, as this is a very individual process depends on the number of births of the future mother, its body weight and how easily the pregnancy proceeds, as well as from numerous other factors. Features of traffic jam:

  • the traffic jam does not always go down to the birth (sometimes a gynecologist independently takes it during the start of battles);
  • the future mother will not always notice that the plug has moved (most often it happens during the stay in the toilet or the adoption of the soul);
  • the plug color should not be with a greenish tint (this sign indicates the hypoxia of the fetus, immediately go to the hospital);
  • a normal period of dulling the plug begins with 38 weeks (this period is considered to be dumpy pregnancy and the threat is not);
  • the size of the plug is no more than two tablespoons;
  • the consistency should be thick, jelly-like, having odor.

High precursors of traffic jams

The traffic testing can be absolutely painless, especially in repeated moms. But the women who are waiting for the firstborn may face:

  • with pulling pains at the bottom of the abdomen (signs, as before menstruation);
  • light pain in the sacrum;
  • worried sensations of the tension of internal genital organs;
  • feels that something interferes in the crotch.

So that the woman did not miss the teleachment of the mucosa, doctors advise to inspect the place of emptying and walk in underwear with a hygienic gasket.

What to do a future mother?

After you realize that the plug went down, it must be inspecting and make sure that it does not bear bad signs that were described above. Be sure to inform the doctor who watches your pregnancy.

  • try not to panic and keep calm (this moment will only bring you to a meeting with the long-awaited kid);
  • go to the shower and fit well with the help of a special intimate tool for pregnant women (for example, cyteal);
  • if the fights started immediately behind the plug, follow their intervals and go to the maternity hospital;
  • often, after traffic jam, water begins to move away, you need to evaluate the nature and volume of the selection;
  • if after moving the plug, the contractions did not start, then stay at home, there is no need to go to the hospital, it suggests that it is very soon that you will begin childbirth, but there are still time for fees and preparation;
  • after moving the plug, it is forbidden to have sex, underwear must be changed 2 times a day.

This natural process is not needed at all. About any discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen, you need to tell a doctor.

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