What does the urchinist look like?

What does the urchinist look like?

Who among us are not familiar with skin rashes on the body? It can be a gloomy. And what rashes are called urticaria? We will find out in this article.

What is urticaria?

Hives - Red spindles on the body, measuring 0.2-2.0 cm, accompanied by itching. This is the name of the folk, and if you use a medical term, then it sounds like urctaria. Very common illness, it is sick with a close 20% of the population of the Earth, is named by the glooming because the rashes resemble burns after the whip of the body of nettle. This is not a contagious disease, other people are not transmitted.

What does the urchinist look like?

The urticaria looks like reddened rashes on the body, of different shapes and size, in the form of swelling and blisters. Rash can cover:

  • Back
  • Stomach
  • Legs
  • Hands
  • Face

In addition to the above parts of the body, the urban may appear in the mouth, on the lips and the language, in the nose.

Urticaria is a kind of allergy to anything, it appears quickly, for 1 hour after contact with an allergen. Most often manifests in children, young people, especially female, pregnant women. If the rashes merge into one big spot, the body temperature can be climbed, to manifest the swelling of the quinque (rash giant sizes), suffocation and death.

Causes of the appearance of Harpivnitsa

Urban may appear:

  • Due to contact with household chemicals
  • Food containing dyes and preservatives
  • On antibiotics ("Penicillin", "Tetracycline", "Streptomycin") and anti-inflammatory drugs ("Aspirin", "Indomethacin")
  • Young children - from fish, milk, eggs, orange or red fruits
  • After multiple bites, bees, OS, mosquitoes
  • Due to overheating in the sun
  • Due to strong supercooling
  • After nervous stress

If the wretchedness was observed in a light form, then after stopping contact with an allergen, it passes without a trace.

How and how to help with Harpivnice?

If the rashes and blisters on the body can be a little at home. In ambulance, you need to call and cause it if the disease occurs hard, with an edema of Queenka, and young children.

Help with urban disease:

  • If the rash from the medication is to stop taking it.
  • When allergic is allergic to adopt "enterosgel" or white coal tablets, then laxative and rinse the stomach.

Further treatment appoints a doctor. it new Generation Antihistamine Medicines:

  • "Loratadine"
  • "Zirtek"
  • "Ebastin"

If the antihistamine medicine does not help, then the doctor will appoint hormonal tablets:

  • "Dexamethasone"
  • "Prednisolone"

After the treatment of urticaria pills or injections, the doctor appoints additionally ointmentwhich you need to smear sick places to full recovery:

  • "Phenolic Gel"
  • "Ppi-balm"
  • "Sentol"

After treatment hardwoodthe doctor will appoint mazi with hormones of different strength action:

  • Mazi of weak action ("Sinaflan", "Hydrocortisone", "Latikit")
  • Average Action ("FluoroCort", "Afloderm", "Triamcinolone")
  • Strong action ("Elokom", "Advantan")
  • Very strong action ("kloveit")

What to do to not get sick with urticaries again?

  • If there are rashes from food products, the next day after the manifestation of the disease should be starved, and in the following days, enter one product per day.
  • There are no products that contain artificial dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers.
  • Do not eat red and orange fruits, strong tea, alcohol, coffee, bird, milk, mayonnaise.
  • Drink plenty of water (2-3 l per day).


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