What is rubella

What is rubella

Rubella - children's infectious diseases can result in irreparable damage to internal organs and the immunity of the child. Therefore, the national schedule of vaccinations against rubella vaccine has an important place. But to do preventive vaccination is not always possible, so the mother should know looks like measles. Since the time started the correct treatment is able to protect the baby from the irreversible effects.

What is rubella?

Acute infectious disease called measles - a virus. Its cell is an organism with two membranes, which has a ribonucleic acid molecule. This allows such cells remain viable up to 8 hours in the environment.

Lymphocytes and macrophages (immune defense of the body) is not capable of attacking a molecule rubella virus because of its choroid layer. Once in the blood, the virus produces neuraminidase - a substance that affects nerve tissue. It is therefore important, in time to be vaccinated against this disease. Due to it a child's specific immunity appears.

How do you get rubella?

"Lever" rubella is very easy, as it is transmitted by airborne droplets. If the child is not vaccinated, then 90% of the pathogens in getting his body leads to the development of the disease. Basically actively spreading rubella virus in places where children, it gardens, schools.

What is rubella?

The large mass of parents do not even know what it looks like and appears rubella virus. Therefore, very often begin to treat children from colds, rather than to seek professional help. The risk to catch this infection are children 1.5-4 years unvaccinated. It increases the risk of disease in the autumn-winter period.

The main signs and symptoms of the disease

After entering the radios virus on the mucous surface, its elements penetrate the blood flow through the walls of the vessels. After with blood, pathogenic cells are spread throughout the body. After a short period, the first symptoms appear in the form of an increase in lymph nodes:

  • on the neck;
  • armpits;
  • in the groin area.

Further, such symptoms passes, and the localization site of inflamed lymph nodes becomes the occipital part. Immediately appears:

  • temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • spontaneous cough attacks;
  • nasal congestion, but the mucous secretion does not stand out;
  • in a day, two on the body arise red rashes.

Typically, the first point manifestations are localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, the front wall of the neck, on the cheeks and in the nasolabial triangle. For 1-2 days of the rash "make way" on all other areas of skin on the body. After 3 days, rashes begin to pale and "knock".

If the treatment is started on time, then on average rash lasts up to 7 days. After you can notice the improvement of the condition of the child (appetite appears, the Karapuz is moving, not Handrit). Passing cough, nasal congestion. Lymph nodes disappear by 15-18 days after the last rash.

Krasnuha passed without complications? Fine. But in order to prevent the development of the virus in your child, do not refuse vaccination and all sorts of ways to strengthen its immunity.

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Dasha 18/11/2021 at 13:37

In children, she certainly is pretty easily flowing .... But it's still unpleasant. Therefore, I am for vaccination and strengthening immunity. I give the baby to the Multi Immuno. By the way, they like them very much, delicious, the form is interesting and colors are different ... Well, of course I am pleased that there is a sea buckthorn, after all the natural immunostimulator.


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