What does the encephalitite tick look like?

What does the encephalitite tick look like?

In the spring-summer period, the problem of tick bites is especially acute. The thing is that these small insects are carriers of severe infectious diseases, such as encephalitis, borreliosis, Lyme disease. Most of these diseases may cause fatal outcome if the bite did not be vaccinated, or if he was not given timely medical care. The most common disease is ticking encephalitis, and, of course, the question arises, is the encephaal ticks differ from safe insects?

Is there an external difference between the encephalitic tick from the usual?

In fact, whoever did not say and whatever arguments do not give, the differences of a healthy tick and the one that is infected with encephalitis, does not exist. All ticks look absolutely the same and differ only with dimensions. But the presence of the disease is simply impossible to determine in appearance.

The presence of a disease in the body of the tick is not manifested in either the external attributes of the insect. That is, it turns out that it will not be possible to distinguish a patient and a healthy tick. By the way, it is not capable of doing even a scientist who is professionally engaged in insects by the nature of its activities.

By the way, many people live all their lives and seriously believe that the encephalitite tick is a special type of insect. In fact, it is not. Encephalitis is able to transfer 14 types of ticks, they differ in external species signs from each other. But even in this case, to distinguish a healthy person from the patient there is no possibility. Just the likelihood that you are bited by an infected person in case you found a representative of one of these 14 species, much higher.

How to estimate the likelihood that a person was bruised by encephalitite tick?

If you still have no luck and the tide managed to dug into your body, then you need to immediately take the following actions:

  • The tick is required carefully, trying not to crush, remove the entire body from the body. This will require tweezers and possibly oil.
  • The ticks need to be placed in any capacity and pass to the nearest laboratory for the analysis, where it will find out if it was a carrier of one of the diseases that mites are capable of passing to a person.
  • As soon as the result is ready, the doctor will be able to assign the necessary treatment.

Of course, all these actions will take some time. Is there an opportunity to learn about whether this tick was encephalitis before all these long-term events, and begin, for example, preventive treatment in advance?

  • To begin with, it is worth learn how high this year the epidemiological threshold along the tick-borne encephalitis line.
  • To understand whether there is a tick to one of those species that usually tolerate encephalitis (they are still called ixodes).
  • If the tick you caught refers to the taiga or a dog species (and these are the basic carriers), then the probability of infection during bite is large enough and it is possible to turn to the doctor to the doctor before the readiness of the analyzes and observe in parallel with everything for its general state.

Encephalitis is a terrible disease that may threatens a person with irreversible consequences even if assistance after the bite of an infected tick was rendered on time. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive, in time to be vaccinated and viewing your body after visits to the place where the probability of bite is high. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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