What looked bugs are home

What looked bugs are home

Cuplops are often confused with cockroaches, ticks or lice. Therefore, the fight against harmful insects does not give results. But if you know how homemade bedbugs look like, they quickly get rid of parasites. The appearance of bloodsuckers changes, it all depends on different factors of their existence.

How homemade bedbugs look - general characteristics

Claps look like this:

  • the body length ranges from 3 to 8 mm. It is difficult to notice a small pest;
  • the body of the blood circuit is characterized by a rounded or flat form (it all depends on the rice of the coast), the clear structure of the segments and resembles a small button;
  • the bugs do not have a pattern on the trouser and wings on the body;
  • color bugs are brown, white and almost black. White - young individuals, in other cases it all depends on the rice of bloodsuit;
  • on the sides of the head are eye. Insects have long alerts and trull, with its help the parasite is powered by human blood;
  • the bug has three pairs of paws;
  • the caller is covered with vile and protected by a solid shell. Females are always more males.

What do i look like and hungry homemade bedbugs

Depending on the satiety, the bugs change the appearance:

  • body sizes. At the hungry parasite, the caller is flattened and flat. It is almost impossible to crush it, even if you give a lot. The value of the calf is 3 mm. The ropted bug becomes more rounded, and the body length increases to 8 mm and more. Crushing it is not difficult;
  • mobility. Hungry bug ashes and fast. In search of food, he can climb the apartment on the ceiling and from above rushes for a sacrifice. The full parasite is slow, because he was already ate;
  • body color. Adults hungry individuals have light or dark brown. The darker the shade, that long ago Kouch. After saturation, the parasite acquires almost black color with a characteristic scarlet tint.

What looked bugs look

The larvae resemble the appearance of adults, but the magnitude is less and much light. They are called nymphs. From the delayed female, the larva appears in a week. It is already ready to eat the blood of the victim. Blind's eggs resemble rice grains. The first days of the nymph is transparent. Lines 5 times, dropping the shell after blood consumption. After molting of the nymph increases in size and in 1.5 months turns into an adult person. With unfavorable conditions, the process conditions lasts up to four months. Young individuals are often taken for lice due to transparent calf.

How homemade bedbugs look - where blood circulation is hiding

The distinguishing sign of the CLUP - the insect moves short, but very fast fading. If you crush it - an unpleasant smell will appear. The blood circulation lives from 8 to 12 months. If there are too many of them in the apartment - you will feel the smell that resembles the proceeding berries. In the habitat of parasites you will find their skins, larvae, eggs and excrement.

Claps can stay in the following places:

  • for dutiful wallpaper;
  • in the folds of Gardin;
  • in the slot behind the plinth, floor;
  • on the shelves and bedside tables between books;
  • in electronics and household appliances;
  • in electrical outlets near the bed.

If you saw small blood spots in the morning - this is a sign of the appearance of bloodsuckers in the house. They bite all people, regardless of gender and age. But you know how to distinguish a coat from other pests, and you can effectively fight with them.

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