How to look younger than my years

How to look younger than my years

The pursuit of youth will never disappear from the life of people, starting with the dairy baths of the Egyptian princesses, and ending with modern surgical operations of a woman and many men try to stay in shape and not differ from their younger friends. Many people know that a healthy lifestyle and regular sports can keep your skin and health for many years, but not everyone follows these simple rules of life. Meanwhile, there are purely cosmetic ways of giving themselves youth: Right makeup, posture, modern clothes and behavior. Learn some effective methods that will reset you for several years.

How to look younger than your years - right makeup

Using a conservaler and highlight, you can easily disguise small wrinkles on the face and give the skin radiance. Apply a bit of Rumba and you unobtrusively return the skin freshness and naive maiden blush. Do not be afraid to seek advice to experienced makeup artists, it is they can give recommendations that are suitable for your face and skin.
Being in a mature age, you need to approach very responsible for the choice of decorative cosmetics: it must be exceptional quality and well moisturize your face.

Apply a highlight to all protruding places and goodly grow it. Give the choice of more dense consilers and shimmering highlights.

What to look younger than my years - more moisturizing

After thirty leather, it starts to produce its own elements to update and moisture. Therefore, your rule will be a simple recipe: Moisturizing twenty-four hours seven days a week. In your diet there will be night creams, daytime, fluids for the skin around the eyelids, special patches from edema and many magic agents. Moisturizing the upper layer of the epidermis is an important step towards the preservation of youth.

Do not forget about peelings. It is this procedure that removes dead skin cells and smoothes it, and even after them, moisturizers act deeper.

How to look younger than your years - do not forget about other parts of the body

Proper care and moisturizing requires not only face, but also zone neckline, neck, arms and legs. Do not allow your age to give out wrinkled wrists or ugly veins on the legs. Save overall youth to help you only proper nutrition and sports.

Try to choose an active holiday in the shower: it can be yoga, swimming, fitness, and maybe you will like to raise gravity in the gym.

How to look younger than their years - pick up clothes

Do not forget that the right clothing can immediately cut you for several years. In the adulthood, the extreme mini and high heel under the ban. And not only because these elements can show your imperfections, but also because mature women should dress with taste. Show that you know the latest trends: Paint fashion magazines, take a look at the girls on the street. Do not forget about your color and try to combine colors correctly. If you do not get the most collective wardrobe, then try to turn to a professional stylist in your city.

How to look younger than your years - go back with time

Modern technologies open all new spaces for development - do not miss it by eye. When your peers will begin to knit and bother with a blanket, you proudly make your first parachute jump or go on vacation to exotic countries. Feel that you can be young even fifty and sixty years old, and no one can convince you in the opposite. Find like-minded people or members of their families who are willing to share interests with you.

Timely care for the skin and visits to the cosmetologist will help you look young enough long enough, and the sport and proper nutrition will strengthen health. Do not forget about makeup and properly selected clothes to complete the image.

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nadya 03/13/2018 at 8:04.

The main mood, of course))) if you feel younger and look like ... Well, I can advise from cosmetic tools to the Laura-serum and starch masks) It was such a care that helped me from many wrinkles to get rid of the faces tighten)

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