How to moisturize the skin of the face at home

How to moisturize the skin of the face at home

Many women are firmly confident that the application of cream twice a day will retain their youth for a long time. In fact, everything is much more complicated, because each girl has its own type of leather, biorhythm and features. If you want to carefully care for the skin of the face, give her youth and proper moisturizing, then you will seriously have to calculate your routine of the day and the composition of creams that you apply on the skin. Do not forget that even oily skin needs it. More details you will learn in this article.

What kind of skin is to moisturize

Contrary to the problem that the oily skin is practically no need to moisten, any dermal needs this procedure. In addition, girls parts are mistaken in skin types, because if there is a bold gloss, it may indicate and dry.

Of course, representatives of oily, dry and mixed type requires different care. In particular, if your skin has become less elastic, and after sleeping on your face there are a lot of pits from bed - it's time to think seriously about the right home care.

How to moisturize the skin of the face at home

Take your jar of cream or fluid in hand and read the composition if there is hyaluronic acid, chitosan and collagen, then you made the right decision when purchasing it. The most effective component today is hyaluronic acid. The most miraculous means that cosmetologists are administered subcutaneously. The use of it superficially slows the aging, creates a small breathable film that does not allow moisture to evaporate. Do not move away from the instruction, using such creams.

How to moisturize different types of skin

  • If you are exactly carried its type to dry: your skin is often contracted, shelled, in the morning on her left creases, you will need at least two moisturizing mask a week. You can apply as a Makeup Shop and homemade recipes. Note the pharmacy products, often, the most homely cosmetics that is certified for sale in the pharmacy, has a richer composition than the expensive shops cream.
  • Moisturizes the skin eyes and face alone, for it should be different compositions. During the application and removal of the mask to lightly massage.
  • Oily skin type is one of the most insidious, since it is difficult to determine. Ideally, a girl needs to turn to the beautician to request in-depth analysis of its dermis. The thing is that the skin can become oily due to the urgent need for moisture, and small rashes and pimples will appear as a result of blockage of pore fluids.
  • Look closely at the face well if in addition to fat your dermis looks like fine parchment, it peels off and pulls, then you are the owner of dry or combination skin. But if she really has the bold type, then you need to moisturize the skin deeply once a week, that is, the mask.
  • Be sure to use tonic after washing and special gel instead of soap. You no longer suitable fluid, rather than a cream.
  • Mixed skin is much more complicated, you need to do a pre-purification procedure on the T-zone: forehead, nose, chin, and sometimes cheeks. Use the mask of black dots, that after the deep cleaning of the dermis cream better acted. Do not forget about the weekly moisturizing mask and cream twice a day. Especially watch the area that can be covered by a rash. Change your cream if acne does not pass.

How to moisturize your face at home - home recipes creams

Do not use a pure oil as a moisturizer. In fact, many of the essential oils dry skin, rather than moisturize it. By moisturizing include: peach, olive, palm, grape seed, castor. Rosemary, lemon, lavender, almond, jojoba can dry face. Limit one drop of oil to the entire mask.

  • Cream cheese and honey is suitable for all types. The only drawback is the shelf life of the composition.
    Whisk the eggs and half a pound of the mixture in half a teaspoon of honey, add two tablespoons of cottage cheese. Keep on the face for twenty minutes. Ingredients must not dry out.
  • White and blue clay are powerful sources of coaline and moisturizing. Instruct clay, according to the instructions, add a drop of any moisturizing oil. Clay also should not dry on the face. You can combine this recipe, spreading clay not in water, but in kefir, milk, sour cream.
  • Washing the decoction of oatmeal and milk is especially suitable for an dehydrated dermal. Take a glass of bunting on three glasses of warm milk. Let the half hour and wash the mixture. You can leave the oatmeal itself for scrub.
  • Lotion can be made from ripe grapes. Just break the berries and leave for several hours. Then, add a spoonful of honey, pinch the salt. Wipe the face two or three times a day.

How to moisturize the skin of the face at home - general recommendations

Do not forget about the benefits of clean water: an adult man needs to drink one and a half liters a day. Try to gradually move with carbonated water, tea, coffee and other drinks on purified water. Skin condition from this will quickly improve, and internal moisturizing will earn faster.

Do not leave your skin dirty, worry carefully in the evening and do not touch your face with your hands during the day.
It is equally important not to remake with moisture. If 15 minutes after application, your cream completely did not absorb-remove the remnants with a napkin, otherwise your pores will be born, and the derm will suffer from lack of oxygen.

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Nina 03/13/2018 at 8:05.

I fight the dryness of the face helps well Laura-serum and children's bold creams ... Previously, the skin was constantly dry was and nasty to the touch ... There were some kind of peelings. And now there are no such problems)) So I can advise such funds)

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