How to make a face mask at home

How to make a face mask at home

Every woman dreams look beautiful, young and well maintained at any age. But that your face is always tightened, clean, and a light blush can be seen on the cheeks, it needs regular and special care! For this, it is not necessary to leave the fabulous sums in cosmetic salons. Thanks to our unique recipes, you can turn into a home cosmetologist and to make a mask for the face!

How to make a face mask at home

In order for your skin with gratitude to you on the home procedures done, you need to follow a few simple and very important rules:

  • Masks, lotions and creams apply only to pre-cleaned skin.
  • Prepare no mixtures than 3-4 hours before use.
  • To understand what recipes are suitable for you, the masks need to alternate. Do not use the same mixture, only by regular experiments you will achieve the maximum and better result.
  • Pick the cream, masks and lotions only for your skin type.
  • Consider that homemade masks consist of natural components and do not have contraindications. But, exceptions may be various manifestations of allergic reactions to honey, citrus and other products.
  • Regardless of the type of skin and the mass used, the face will need additional nutrition. For this, after all domestic manipulations, lubricate the skin with any nutritional lotion or cream that use every day.

Masks for dry skin

Dry skin is constantly peeling, tightens the face and unfortunately, quickly agrees. The task of domestic masks is the replenishment of a lack of fluid, the return of a healthy face color and an active struggle against hated peeling.

  • Curd mask deeply cleanses contaminated pores, whitens the skin and moisturizes well. Mix one tablespoon of sour cream with 3 tanks of cottage cheese, apply on the skin, wash in 25-30 minutes.
  • Impregnate perfectly, softens, rejuvenates and lines the tone heated olive oil. The remedy is gently rubbed into the skin, after 30 minutes the remains of the olive are cleaned with a paper napkin.
  • A mixture of cream and cucumber pulp, will save his face from irritation and will lead to a tone. Before use, the summer vegetable is washed, crushed on the grater and cream add. Cashitz is distributed throughout the face, leave for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off with cool water.
  • Original, nutritious and useful - cocoa mask. Powder is mixed with fatty sour cream or fresh cream to obtain a creamy mass. Paddle with fingertips, cocoa cream rubbed into the skin with circular motions. Already after the first application, the face will become tightened and acquired a healthy color!

Masks for fat and combined face skin

Bold skin type gives many troubles with their owner. This type is most inclined to the appearance of acne, acne and various inflammation. Due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, there is a fat shine on the forehead and cheeks, a tired and unclean appearance. Our task is to clean and dry the skin as much as possible.

  • Clay cosmetic masks will get rid of acne and clean polluted pores. Black or blue clay is divorced with warm mineral water or ordinary water. After which it is evenly applied to the face. When the mask is completely dry, it can be washed away. In order for the skin to become elastic and smooth, a warm decoction of chamomile can be used for washing.
  • A daily kefir mask with a pinch of soda is actively fighting with a bold gloss, whitens and normalizes the work of the glands. With the help of a cotton disk, apply a dairy product on your face, after 15 minutes, well wash.
  • Cow and disinfected lotion from warm vodka with the addition of heated honey. The exposure time is 15 minutes.
  • Prevent the appearance of wrinkles, bleach and clean the skin separated egg protein with twenty drops of fresh lemon juice. After a complete drying of the mask, it can be washed.

Masks for normal skin

Velvety, clean, simple and very gentle skin, refers to normal type. To help the face stay in a healthy state always, at least once a week should be carried out one of the proposed procedures:

  • Coffee scrub is one spoonful of ground coffee with warm boiled water before the formation of a thick cream. Apply on the skin with circular motions for 10 minutes, then rinse. The constant use of the scrub will help create an effect of a light summer tan and will make it possible to look harsh even in cold autumn days.
  • It will saturate, heasts and prevents the early appearance of wrinkles mask from crushed pulp of currant, plums, pears or apples. The selected product is grinding on the grater, the layer is crushed or whipped by a blender. Then add a bit of warm olive oil and applied to the face. Simple, accessible recipe and great result!
  • Cucumber mask will have additional moisturizing, add smoothness and velvety. The half of the vegetable is crushed, add a pinch of potato starch and whipped egg yolk, mix well. The resulting mass is well rubbed into the skin, after 20 minutes they wash off.
  • Banana mask - bleach, fit and give the skin well-kept appearance. Half of the mature banana grinds with a fork or blender, add a couple of fresh milk spoons. Wash out water after complete drying.

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Nina 07/02/2021 at 12:55.

Her ... I don't really like homemade masks. I prefer the cabin care in the first place. Well, I will definitely supply the skin with useful elements. Basis - Evalarovsky Marine Collagen. He has a very good dosage and a favorable price. The skin is maintained in excellent condition))

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