How to make pink water

How to make pink water

Pink water perfectly moisturizes the skin, struggles with wrinkles and gives the face of velvety. The aromatic agent is usually brought from the Crimea, where it is manufactured in perfumery factories. Also, pink water tourists are bought in Bulgaria, which is famous for their pink plantations. But if you have a bottle of water left at the bottom, and there is no possibility to buy it, then prepare it yourself.

Raw Pink Water

For the manufacture of water, only fresh roses petals are suitable, in which many essential oils. Do not use roses purchased in flower salons. Grown in greenhouses, such roses do not receive their portion of sunlight, which contribute to the formation of rose oil. Also, greenhouse roses are often treated with chemicals from all sorts of diseases - these funds accumulate in the petals and in the future they can damage the skin. It is advisable for water to collect petals of self-grown plants. Toffee suitable tea-hybrid varieties with fragrant pink inflorescences. Petals are also suitable with flowering ride bushes.

How to make water

For the manufacture of water at home you will need:

  • fresh-plated rose petals;
  • pure water;
  • capacity for insteading.

Large handful of pink petals Put in the jar and fill their glass boiling water. Capacity from above Cover the piece of gauze or a linen napkin. Insist the petals until the moment when the water in the bank completely cools. Straighten the water through the siete and hands additionally press the petals. Pink water break into a bottle with a fitted lid and keep it in the refrigerator. Home water has a short shelf life, because there are no preservatives that are used in factories. So that the water benefit the skin, make it a new portion every third day.

How to increase the shelf life

The shelf life of pink water can be increased only by its freezing. But then you will take care of your face no longer with water, but cosmetic ice. It also acts very well on the problem skin, so you can be ice to be ice.

Make ice very easy:

  1. Make the infusion of pink water.
  2. Fill with aromatic fluid mold for ice.
  3. In each cell for beauty, put in a pair of fresh rose petals.
  4. Freeze the ice in the freezer.

Pink Water Lotion

From the water with the aroma of roses, you can prepare a lotion, which instantly pulls out tired skin and give it a shining shine.

Do this express remedy for its use:

  1. In the glass mix 20 grams of liquid light chalk and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  2. Add 50 ml of pink water into the mixture - stir well.
  3. In the glass, pour still so much pink infusion so that the sudine turned out to be complete.
  4. Pour the bottle lotion, close it with a plug and shake well.

One cup of lotion is enough for you to put your face, neck and zone neckline. The remnants of the lotion are treated and hands, which also need protection and nutrition. If you have not used a tool at a time, then you get a few drops of olive oil into it and moisturize the face overnight.

Cosmetics with pink petals

In addition to water, you can prepare other useful cargoing agents.

Mask rejuvenating

A handful of pink petals crush the knife to the taper and pour it with two spoons of warm water. Put the mass on the water bath and keep it 10 minutes. Pink mass cool down and apply in the peeled face in the evening.

Tincture clarifying

If the face after the summer has become very dark, then roses will give him a brighter and healthy shade. Wrap the petals from two large roses. Fill them with alcohol (0.5 glasses). After two-day insteading in a dark place, the tincture is strain and mix it with honey (1 tablespoon) and a raw whipped yolk (1 piece). Keep the remedy in the refrigerator, and use it once a day.

Having a rosary in the country, do not miss the opportunity to make homemade pink water. It will cost not a penny, but will be of enormous benefit.

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