Cosmetic ice how to make

Cosmetic ice how to make

Cosmetic ice is very cheap, easy to prepare and apply, but an extremely effective skin care agent. Even in ancient girl, the girls tried to rub his cheeks in the winter so that the face would look healthy and well-groomed. They say even the Empress Ekaterina II in the morning was washed with ice with ice. About what the benefits of this cosmetics, how to prepare it properly and apply - tell me further.

Useful properties of cosmetic ice

The benefits of specially cooked ice in skin care is as follows:

  • it improves blood circulation, which means - accelerates the metabolism in the cells and the process of removing toxins from the skin;
  • sushing pores, relieves the personnel of the face;
  • moisturizes and tones the skin;
  • contributes to the smoothing of small wrinkles;
  • in the case of using special decoctions, it feeds the dermis, relieves inflammation and irritation.

Ice cooking tips

Cosmetic ice is desirable to prepare on the basis of purified or mineral water or from berries healing and rich in vitamins of berries. You can and completely, washed and dry berries to freeze, and then wipe the face. If the ice is used for ice, then before spilling in the mold, the liquid is filled with and cool to room temperature.

Ice with a rejuvenating effect

The ice from juice or bravery parsley well tones the skin, contributes to its rejuvenation, and also lightes and helps fight freckles and pigment stains. For the cooking of the beam, several bunches of greenery grind, pour boiling water and 15 minutes of Tom on weak heat, after which they give it to fully cool. Perft with the resulting decoction, spread it according to the molds and put in the freezer. Ice stock should be made for a couple of days ahead, because, the longer it stands in the refrigerator, the more useful elements are frozen from it.
Good in use and frozen green tea. It has long been known for its ability to bring free radicals from the body, causing aging.

Ice for problem skin

If there are rams on the face and the neckline helps the ice of the calendula and chamomile tinctures, which can be used together and separately. They have a strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. To obtain a tincture of 1 tablespoon of herbs, we fill with two glasses of boiling water, cover with a lid and a towel, we give it, after which we spill in forms and freeze. Face especially - problem areas, you need to wipe the cube twice a day.

Features of using cosmetic ice

To obtain the desired result, use the ice, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Before Ice Procedures, the skin must be carefully cleansed and dried by a towel. If the ice is used in the morning - it is quite possible to replace the wash.
  • Ice cube can not be detached at one point for more than 2 seconds, as this can lead to supercooling.
  • The face should be wrapped, directing movements along massage lines: from the middle of the chin to the uches of the ears, from the wings of the nose - until the middle of the ear shell, from the bridges to the temples.
  • After the ice turns into a face in Talo Water, - do not wipe it, and let him dry out naturally.
  • Contraindication for the use of ice therapy is the presence of a cooperosis (capillary mesh) on the face or unexplored wounds (except for pimples).

If not to be lazy and use ice at least in the morning, and even better - and before going to bed, then after a month regular procedures, the person will noticeably fastened, and its contours will catch up.

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