Cosmetic ice, how to cook

Cosmetic ice, how to cook

Home cosmetic procedures in some cases can be even more effective than salon. One of such miraculous means that help tighten and refresh the skin is daily wiping the face with ice. But not ordinary, but cosmetic. How to make it yourself, we will tell in our article.

What is cosmetic ice

This is a frozen decoction of leaves and flowers or the juice of any useful plant. The decoction or juice is first poured into ordinary household molds for ice, and then placed in the freezer. After the ice freezes, its piece must be removed from the shape and wipe the face.

To prepare it, you need to take a certain part of dry ingredients and pour them with boiling water. Cook the time as indicated in the recipe. Then set aside from the stove, let cool and strain through gauze.

You can freeze some of the freshly squeezed juice, which is prepared in the morning with a juicer. Also, any juice from fruits and vegetables can be made by rubbing them on a fine grater, and then squeezing them through gauze.

The ice of the chamomile

Take 3 tbsp. l. dry pharmacy chamomile and pour it into 200 ml of boiling water. Cook on the lowest heat for 5-7 minutes. Cool, strain, freeze. The ice from chamomile will help get rid of acne and drain too oily skin. With this cosmetic ice, you can wipe the skin in the morning instead of washing or refresh it with a hot day.

Ice from parsley

To prepare it, you need a large bunch of fresh herbs. Take parsley, cut the rude stems and leave only fleshy leaves. Grind them in a blender or chop finely with a knife. Pour the prepared mass pour 500 ml of boiling water and languish on the fire for 15 minutes. After cooling, push -ups and freezing, wipe your face. Parsley will smooth out small wrinkles, lighten pigment spots and freckles, make the skin elastic. If you have the opportunity to purchase or grow a lot of parsley, then it is better to make ice from pure juice.

Tea ice

Ordinary black tea can be used to make ice, which will remove swelling and make the skin smooth. If you rub your face with such ice several times a day, then after a while the skin will acquire a slight shade of tanning. Cook ice from 1 tbsp. l. Holding and 1 cup of water. Green tea is also good for cosmetic ice cubes, especially in combination with chamomile or lemon juice. With chamomile and lemon juice, ice is used for oily skin - it dries it:

  1. With chamomile. 1 part of tea and 2 parts of chamomile pour 10 parts of water.
  2. With lemon juice. For 1 cup of brewed and chilled green tea, take 5-6 drops of fresh lemon juice.

Mint ice

It is best to refresh the skin with mint with hot summer. For brewing, you can take at least fresh, at least dried. Take 2 tbsp for one glass of boiling water. l. dry leaves or 4 tbsp. l. fresh. For a greater effect, add a couple of drops of mint oil to a chilled broth.

Ice from milk

This ice will put in order very dry skin. Milk moisturizes it, and mint will help to maintain the necessary moisture. To prepare ice, take 2 tbsp. l. Dry mint and pour it with one glass of very hot milk. It is not necessary to boil the mixture, it is better to hold it in a thermos. Insist 3-4 hours, then strain and freeze the milk cubes.

Cucumber ice

This cosmetic ice will help solve several problems at once: swelling under the eyes, undesirable pigmentation, wrinkles, acne. To prepare it, take only cucumbers that you raised in the country or bought from a familiar grandmother. So you will be sure that they are environmentally friendly. Squeeze the grated cucumbers through gauze and put the juice immediately in the freezer. Do not keep it in the open air for a long time, because it quickly oxidizes and loses its beneficial properties.

When going to make cosmetic ice, make sure that this home cosmetic product looks beautiful. In each cell for freezing, put either a currant berry, or a slice of lemon, or just a green leaf of a healthy plant. Put those ingredients that are part of the decoction or juice. Then the ice, when you use it, will not only benefit your face, but also delight your eyes.

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