How to make the face smooth

How to make the face smooth

How to make the face smooth, but, more precisely, how to make the skin of the face smooth and touched by everyone without exception of fair sex. It may be accompanied by our mind, but they meet exactly paying attention to other aspects. Every woman is a goddess, and I want to save this feeling to the most advanced years. Let's talk about what existing skin care methods that will help us always look excellent.

Answering the question "How to make the face smooth", first define what kind of skin type you have. On dry leather, peeling and allergic reactions often appear, while washing with water there is a feeling of struts. On oily skin, shine, extended pores, black dots and acne are noticeable. Mixed skin combines signs of the first two descriptions in different parts of the face. Normal skin is almost a myth, it only happens in healthy people smooth and elastic. By the way, think about whether you should pay attention to your health, and your skin will automatically come to a normal state.

When you were determined with your skin type, you can start developing a plan, how to make the face smooth. The first point of this plan will be cleansing. The daily procedure includes care with the help of organic natural resources. If you are the owner of oily skin, then rubbing the face of a ice cube from a chamomile decoction or other natural herbs will help you refresh the skin and narrow the pores. Wash cool water. For dry skin, warm water is suitable, milk, chamomile decoction and currants leaves. Do not rub the skin towel after washing! Just blocked slightly. Mixed skin requires individual care for each site and, accordingly, the use of funds for both skin types. Normal skin care does not require, it is enough to use to wash herbal decoction.

As a daily moisture after washing, olive or coconut oil is perfectly suitable for dry skin, cytrus juice can be used for oily skin. There is also a mass of recipes for cooking homemade creams from natural products. The daily use of such mixes is the best way to make the face smooth.

CRIS Kelly - Coconut Oil Use

Be sure to clean the skin once a week. Great mixtures have an excellent cleansing agent. Coffee thickness with honey will delight oily skin, sugar with olive oil moisturizes dry, and milk with almonds suitable for combined. Gently apply the resulting mass, rubbing it into the skin of the face, along massage lines for 1-2 minutes. Then wash the water that is suitable for the temperature of your skin type.

After using a scrub on cleaned skin, you should apply a mask. The honeycomb mask mask is perfectly suitable for dry skin. If you add egg yolk to it, the mask will become more nutritious. If you have oily skin: beat the egg protein and add grinding leaves sorrel (or crushed lemon peel). For normal skin, a mixture of bold cottage cheese and liquid honey will fit.

Remember about the massage - this is a great tool how to make the face smooth. Apply the cream on the face, place the pillows of the fingers in the middle of the forehead parallel to the eyebrows and smoothly move towards the temples. Similarly, perform a massage of the rest of massage lines: from the nose to the outer part of the ear, from the middle of the nose to the middle of the ear, from the chin on the edge of the face to the urine of the ear. Around the eye massage should be pointing, the skin cannot be stretched in any way! Hold in the zone of "goose paws", make tapping circular movements with finger pads.

Another advice How to make a face smooth: Use only organic cosmetics. Now there is a large selection of proposals on the market, you can choose the perfect option for you. Be sure to see for the packaging of the goods you buy there were marks Ecocert, BDIH, etc. Buy the goods in specialized stores.

One of the most effective ways to make the face smooth is a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, exercise, fresh air and good mood extends the youth and health of the entire body, respectively, and the skin of the face.

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Tamara 06/10/2019 at 18:10

I, by method of trial and mistakes, I understood that any peeling, irregularities and wrinkles on the face of dehydration. Therefore, it became on a regular basis, the Hyaluronic acid Evalarovskaya take (it was not the correct dosage) and the drinking regime keeps constantly. The face, by the way, has become noticeably more taped to look. Skin smooth and smooth))


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