Rose oil - how to make

Rose oil - how to make

Gentle and beautiful rose is not only a delightful flower, but also a real natural pantry, which stores useful elements for human skin. The squeezes and extracts from velvety petals have long been used not only in the "industrial" cosmetology, but also in the home recipes of beauty. Of course, these two technologies are not comparable by the final result, but a certain benefit from rose oil "from the kitchen" is. So, let's look at: How exactly to cook home extracts from petals and what will be the results of a perfect effort.

For the preparation of rose oil, any variety of a flower growing in the garden is suitable, but there is a sustainable opinion that it is worth preferring bright and saturated tones. Collect the petals are necessary from the disclosed inflorescences and early in the morning, before sunrise. If you collect otherwise, there will be less useful extracts in fragrant raw materials: they will simply evaporate with dew.

You can make rose oil by simple technology: the petals are collected in a regular transparent can and flooded with any oil, and then move to a dark place for a period of 15-20 days. The main thing - do not forget to mix the contents of the container and close it tightly, since the essential components evaporate very easily. As for the oil, the ideal option is olive: it carefully cares about the skin and smells pleasantly, but the sesame is also suitable.

Essential oils

A more complex use of the home extract involves heating the contents of the bank and the frequent replacement of rose petals to the new (1 time in 2 days). Pre-old fragrant raw material is carefully pressed, but otherwise - the technology of home oil production does not change.

The resulting extract is ready. All that remains with it is to strain and not violate the rules of storage. You can use rose oil as an independent means (lotion, compresses, etc.) and as an additive to other means of homemade (masks, cream, etc.).

Of course, the pink essence received by Dedovsky methods does not have the power of professional funds, but it can possibly strengthen any line of skin care and body skin.

Comments leave a comment
Auto n-tree 27/05/2018 at 21:12.

What was it?
Youth paints -
Magic smell
The room fluttered ..
I was presented with "Rose Oil".
We passed the year, and he and Vital ..

So gentle smells in the juvenile room
In prieuchean, a subtle aroma.
So the sky is minimized in Novolunya.
So roses about love tell us.

Like hypnosis - Divine passages
Happened through the years over the soul -
Barely revealed pink oil -
How replenishing kindness.

And if life threw fiasco,
Or the ice increases ice,
Take boldly rose oil -
It will warm you and save.


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