How to make perfume at home

How to make perfume at home

Famous perfumers for a long time select the optimal formula for their creations. Perhaps that is why high -quality perfumes are a rarity. Modern stores offer us many options, but finding “your” fragrance is very difficult. A good solution can be independent preparation of spirits.

During work, write down each step in detail so that you can subsequently reproduce the aroma. First, select the essential oils you like. The aroma should contain basic notes, notes of the heart and upper notes. The base note is called a train - it should be the most persistent. Recommended aromas for her - cinnamon, vanilla, cedar, patchouli, sandalwood, ginger, musk, moss, vetiver, fruits.

The note of the heart is the main one. It is she who will give the composition a characteristic shade. Such aromas as a rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang or nutmeg for men are suitable for her. The upper note quickly evaporates, but it is it that has the first impression of the composition. For her, lemon, orange, tangerine, bergamot, basil, thyme, verbena, lavender, rosemary are suitable. Stop your choice on three aromas and purchase inexpensive options.

When you have experience in creating spirits, you can create on the basis of expensive high-quality oils and select two or three aromas for each note. Cut the paper with thin strips and apply one drop of essential oil to each of them. Thus, you can better understand what aroma is suitable for the composition. In order not to get confused, write down on the strip the name of the aroma with a pencil. Then bring all three of the selected aroma to the nose to feel the final result.

Find a glass bottle in which you will store perfumes. It is preferable for the glass to be dark. Old bubbles from drugs are well suited. You can also wrap the bottle with light glass foil. To get started, add a heart note to the bubble, then the basic note and the upper one. Experts argue that the ideal ratio of the heart, base and upper notes is 3: 2: 1. Together you should get 15-20 drops.

For each new oil, use a new pipette or wipe it with alcohol every time. Olive or almond oil is suitable for the base. You can also use jojoba or grape seed oil. Add 10 ml of any selected oil. If you want to create perfumes based on alcohol, in the aggregate you should get 10-15 drops of oils. Add 2 tsp to them. pure alcohol and 2 tsp. distilled water. Alcohol -based perfumes will be more intense, but will be quickly exhaled.


You can apply them to clothes and hair. Before using the composition, let it brew well, about three to four weeks. Every two to three days, shake the bottle. Oil -based perfumes are more saturated, but hold less. Let them brew for about a week.

You can cook solid or dry perfumes. On 1 tbsp. melted wax required 1 tbsp. Basics and 15-17 drops of a mixture of essential oils. Heat a mixture of oils, base and melt the wax in a water bath. Then combine the wax and oil base in one container and mix well. After that, add essential oils to the mass. Mix the components again and, if necessary, pour them into a prepared form. Do everything very quickly because the mixture freezes quickly.

Independent creation of spirits will cost you much cheaper. You will have to spend only your time. It may not work to get the desired aroma the first time, but after several samples you can better feel the notes and combine them correctly.

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