How to distinguish perfumes from fake

How to distinguish perfumes from fake

The modern market is inconceivable without fakes. Fortunately, poor -quality goods can be recognized, it has a number of differences from branded products. In the case of perfumes, there are also certain signs that will help to purchase genuine perfumes. What should you pay attention to when buying a fragrance?

Price. Really good perfume cannot be cheap. Focus on prices above average, however, catching is possible here. To protect yourself from a fake, visit specialized stores, and even better - branded boutiques.

Package. For real spirits, the manufacturer does not spare money for the box. Strong cardboard and design design are always used, there are no typos. The packaging looks stylish, often reflects the idea embedded in the aroma. The film, into which the box is wrapped, is stretched evenly and tightly sealed.

Bottle. Brand perfumes are sold in elegant containers. The more complicated the bottle is, the less chance to fake it. The bottle should not differ in color and shape from the declared in advertising. The glass is perfectly smooth and transparent, there are no chips or scratches on it. In addition, branded perfumes are never implemented on the spill, extremely rarely - in bottles in the form of a handle. Pay attention to the volume: if the manufacturer has presented a perfume in versions of 50 and 100 ml, then another litter will indicate an underground origin of spirits.

Name. In fake it is consonant with the original, the difference can be in just one letter, often inconspicuous. For example, Lokasta instead of Lacoste, Genzo instead of Kenzo. If the name coincides, but there is a post from the genus “Version” (“version”), you have just an interpretation of the aroma, but not the original. On the package, the name is often embossed. This is clearly noticeable if you look at the box at an angle. The fake is printed on a regular printer, therefore there is no talk of convex letters.

The liquid in the bottle of pure color, in the shade coincides with the original. Thimony or sediment indicates a poor -quality product.

Before a visit to the store, study the fragrance you like on the manufacturer’s website. The barcode should be identical, the composition should be appropriate. On the package, all data about the company are displayed. If we are talking about the country, Made in Italy is indicated, and not just Italy.

The genuine aroma has three notes, that is, it is revealed gradually and multifaceted. First, the upper note is heard, then it goes into the note of the heart, and finally the train sounds. In fakes, only the first note is simulated. When its action is scattered, the perfumes become boring, you can even hear the smell of alcohol. In this regard, the resistance of the original is much higher.

To make sure 100%, ask the seller for a certificate for products. If there is no one, we do not linger in the store.

When ordering perfumes through an online store, be especially careful. In addition to the risk of "not guessing" with the aroma, there is a danger of encountering scammers. The virtual trading platform can only be trusted if the site posts detailed information about feedback: phones, legal and mailing addresses. Also find out the conditions for returning the goods if it does not work. Usually the reverse sending is carried out at the expense of the buyer, which will be arranged not for everyone.

Using all the recommendations described comprehensively, you will protect yourself from deception without problems. A fake cannot copy all the quality signs of a real perfumery, it is simply unprofitable. Therefore, carefully inspect, inhale the aroma, read all the information on the package, feel free to ask questions to the consultant. You can now draw the right conclusions about the quality of the spirits yourself.

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