How to slow down aging

How to slow down aging

Almost all living creatures on the planet are subject to aging process. And this will happen or is already happening with each of us. The potential of our body, which was laid in us by nature, can allow a person to live under 150 years old. That's just everything that happens to the body throughout life, radically changes this number, and not for the better. But there are several simple ways that allow you to at least get closer to the longevity staged in us.

Why are we getting old

With the help of data, our body was built from chromosomes, they affect our behavior, all the processes that occur in the body, they are also responsible for aging. Telomeres are the end parts of the chromosomes that exist to protect them. With each cell division, they are partially destroyed. This happens all my life. And after 40 years, telomeres are so damaged that the chromosomes themselves begin to be damaged. This leads to a violation of all kinds of life processes in the body and aging.

Our bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, stress, lack of sleep, illness and much more leads to acceleration of damage to chromosomes. Especially this is facilitated by oxidation processes. Oxidation can be oppressed, and for this you can use various approaches.

Food, rich omega-3 will slow down the aging process

In childhood, many of us were forced to take capsules with fish oil. And few people know why it was so useful. I extract fish oil from the liver of the quantity. It contains a large amount of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. This is a strong antioxidant that inhibits the oxidative processes in our body.

Fish oil can be replaced by the reception of zoran flax. They are cheaper and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in them more. The grains of flax can be purchased unchanged or ground. Take them 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening. Drink ground grains with cool water, and whole can simply chew. They are also added to various dishes. Grasses are great for the preparation of salads, and the powder is combined with milk porridge.

Grapes and red wine slows down aging processes

There are many bioflavonoids in red grapes. This substance also has strong antioxidant abilities. Most of it is concentrated in bones, so do not rush to spit them out. Bioflavonoids also fall into wine, but buying it in stores, you can get to the fake. It is better to make wine yourself. This is not very difficult, and there are a lot of recipes.

Apples slow down the aging process

There are antioxidants in vegetables and fruits. Most of them are in apples. There are also a lot of iron in apples, which contributes to better absorption of antioxidant substances in the intestines. A lot of iron in apples, which quickly turn yellow at the place of bite or cut. It is such varieties that should be given an advantage. Also try to buy winter varieties.

Fresh air will slow down the aging process

Closing in stone boxes called apartments, we contribute to the aging of our body. Oxygen ends very quickly in the rooms, and often we forget to ventilate them. This leads to the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which enters the bloodstream. In this case, the acidity of the blood increases and oxidative processes are stimulated. Therefore, you need to regularly ventilate the rooms and often visit the fresh air.

The right dream to slow down the aging process

For the whole day, a huge amount of harmful substances formed as a result of various biochemical reactions accumulates in the body. Not all of them manage to neutralize and get out of our body. Being in the blood, they also increase its acidity. To help the body cope with accumulated metabolites, you need to take a break and sleep. Many people sleep less than the norm, and the result is accelerated aging. You need to sleep at least 6 hours a day.

Do not forget about bad habits, try to protect yourself from stress, get more positive emotions, and nature will thank you.

Comments leave a comment
Lisa 03/29/2018 at 21:49

The main thing is not to grow old in heart)))

Olga1980 03/30/2018 at 22:32

The aging process will slow down not only apples) I think that any high -quality and fresh fruit (or vegetable) will benefit)) I try to sleep more, spend more time in the fresh air, drink Carnosine (Evlavarovsky), sat on a diet, and is very old The last two months. He moved to the bicycle, as is done in Germany, she dropped weight)) Life is just beginning!

elena 11/10/2018 at 17:53

After retirement, there was more time for itself. To slow down aging, I signed up for a health group and lead an active lifestyle, and carnosine helps me with rapid restoration after class. I noticed an improvement in the work of the heart. Life goes on


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