How to improve face color

How to improve face color

For someone, maybe it will be a discovery, but the skin is the largest human body. In addition, it is an indicator of the health of the health and coordinated work of all organism systems. Therefore, to improve the color of the skin, you need to approach the complex of measures.


Everyone knows, but few do. It is just about the water and its role in a person's life. A person consists of water, it needs to be constantly replenished in the body, but rarely who cares about it. We need clean water at least 1.5 liters per day, and even more, but this is a mandatory minimum. And we are not talking about tea, coffee, juices or any other liquids. The lack of water cannot but reflect on the skin, it immediately becomes dry, less elastic and aging processes are accelerating, which immediately affects the complexion.
To avoid such negative consequences, you should always remember the replenishment of the fluid in the body: Drink 1-2 glasses of water after awakening, in a glass half an hour before each meal (this will help the digestion), take a bottle of water to workout, and also drink every one and a half hours According to the glass of water, - and you can easily type your norm.


As the wise men said: "You are what you eat." You can rephrase a little and say that your skin is a reflection of what you eat. If you eat healthy food, in which there is a large number of fresh fruits, vegetables, greenery, nuts, cereals, legumes, fish, then the body will work correctly, and the skin glow health.

Exclude "Food garbage" from its diet, such as chips, crackers and other snacks, semi-finished products with a long storage period (sausages, canned food), shopping sweets, fatty sauces (mayonnaise and mayonnaise base sauces). They harm not only the skin, but also the body as a whole.
Eat as many vegetables, fruits, greens, - and avitaminosis you do not threaten, and the skin will look fresh and filled with health.

Full holiday

Scientists have long established the relationship between healthy sleep and aging process: if a person is sleeping less than 7-8 hours a day, it will grow faster, and the skin accordingly too. In addition, the recovery and updating of the cells occurs in a dream. It is important not only to sleep enough time, and the time of waste to sleep - it is advisable to go to the kingdom of Morphheus no later than 22-23 hours. Then in the morning you will have a fresh rested look without dark circles under the eyes.


Any motor activity has a beneficial effect on the state and color of the face. When practicing sports, sweating is accelerated and the slag is released, more collagen is produced, the blood circulation is improved, which makes the skin more elastic, elastic, the tone of the person is leveling, and the cell aging processes are slowed down.

Bad habits

Such detrimental habits as smoking and drinking alcohol are reflected not only in your appearance, but also at the work of the whole organism. The skin is dehydrated, acquires an earthy shade, ages at times faster. Think if you are important to such habits to sacrifice your health and good well-being?

Correct care

In addition to all the measures that affect the body entirely and act, so to speak, from the inside, it is equally important to carefully care for the skin. It is necessary to clean it every day, moisturize, to make scrubs once a week to remove organized cells.
You should also feed the skin with masks that can easily choose on store shelves, and you can make a home analogue from natural materials.

You will greatly delight the skin with ice cubes, cooked with brave of herbs. The ice narrows pores, the grass has a wide medical spectrum of action. With their help, you can remove redness and minor disadvantages, lighten the pigment spots, to align the complexion, refresh and toning the skin, smooth out small wrinkles.

Positive emotions

Final point in the list, but not the last to significance. Stresses, depression and simply negative emotions pernicably affect the entire body, and on the skin - first. It is very important to smile more and stay in a good mood, find joy in trifles. Your wonderful arrangement of the Spirit will certainly affect the appearance.

Many different factors and lifestyle affect the complexion of the face. If you follow these ordinary tips, the body will respond very quickly, and the blooming fresh appearance will not make himself wait long.

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