Cream lifting for face how to choose

Cream lifting for face how to choose

No matter how modern women dreamed of creating an eternal youth elixir, while scientists did not sound about the creation of such. However, there are decent skin care products that, along with a plastic surgery, can noticeably transform the appearance of the skin. These indispensable allies in the fight against age-related skin changes are lifting creams. In this article we will talk about what you need cream lifting for the face and what to pay attention to it.

Action Lifting cream

The main effect of lifting funds is aimed at updating the structure of the skin, an increase in elasticity, improved tone and texture of the person, as well as a decrease in visible wrinkles and extended pores. The lifting cream is used not only on the skin with obvious signs of aging, but also to improve the overall condition of the skin. The result of the use of such a cream will be more young, smooth and healthy skin.

Without rejuvenating cosmetics, it is not even if you dare to invasive or surgical intervention, since without proper care, the skin is very quickly returning to the initial state.

Selection of cream lifting for face

A huge number of lifting facilities are available on sale, and if you do not have your own cosmetologist, choose the appropriate cream is not very simple. The skin of each person is special, and often we are forced to try a lot of money before there is the very perfect cream for our skin.

It is possible to estimate the effectiveness of the cream only experimentally, after several weeks of regular use. The rapid results when using a lifting cream do not have to wait, however, if he approached you, it will give you a long-term effect in the form of a more elastic and young skin.

Ingredients of the best lifting creams

Making a bet when choosing skin care should be on a multifunctional cream. As a rule, two types of lifting effect creams are isolated, the effect of one of them is aimed at stimulating the selection of collagen, and the second is on intensive peeling and moisturizing the skin. The best is the cream that combines both types. Choosing a tool, pay attention to the composition.

What should be:

  • ALA and AHA acid. The most powerful antioxidants, neutralize the effect of free radicals, stimulate the production of collagen, struggle with pigmentation and eliminate dead cells of the epidermis.
  • Antioxidant Coenzyme Q10. The substance contained in each cell of the human body. This is a stimulator of the body's immune system, whose amount in cells with age is noticeably reduced. A cream having a given ingredient will slow down the processes of skin fading and launch the synthesis of new collagen fibers.
  • Copper peptides. The substances that stimulate the production of collagen also take care of the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. We significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles, make the skin more dense.
  • Vitamins A, E and C. Very beneficial effect on the skin of women after 40 years of retinol, or differently - vitamin A is in its very pure form. Penetrating into the deepest layers of epidermis, vitamin A supports the required level of moisture in skin cells. Vitamin E protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, and thanks to the skin vitamin, nutrients are better absorbed.
  • Kinetin. The cream, which contains this element, will noticeably reduce your wrinkles, improve the condition of the skin and keep the necessary moisture in the cells.

When choosing a lifting-cream, pay special attention to natural cosmetics. See that there are as few preservatives and chemical elements as possible. All lifting cream must be tested for an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the components. Therefore, it is possible to choose seriously and, if you can, ask for product probes in the store, and already take a loved product.

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