Refreshing mask at home

Refreshing mask at home

Not only after winter season, but and v everyday life our leather sometimes looks like tired and daskal. V quality resuscitation v such. case speaker refreshing mask, instantly transforming view and condition skin.

refreshing masks

The main thing task any masks, in addition to nutrition and moisturizing, is an regeneration cells and enrichment their nutrient substances. In addition to of this, they:

  1. W. majesty circulation blood circulation, what promotes greater enrichment cells oxygen.
  2. Improve colour persons, esil from dark circles under eyes.
  3. Clean from pollution, for more effect necessary front mask use scrub.
  4. Availability antioxidants remove inflammation and promotes healing existing.
  5. NSfocus slow down process aging.


Refreshing mask
from salada

For cooking masks take on two art. spoon leaves salada (preliminary crushed) and sour cream / yogurt. Stirring components and received mixture apply on 1520 minutes. Then wash cool water. V case if type of skin dry, then v such mixture add little drops oil olives.

expressmask for elasticity

Rubbit half fruit avocado with a few leaves mint. and add 5 drops lemon juice. Hold mask. v flow 20 minutes and wash mint. decoction.


Refreshing and smoothing mask

The composition of such a mask includes: parsley - 1 tbsp. Spoons, cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons. Petrushka overwhelm up to the porridge mass and add cottage cheese or natural yogurt. We apply the resulting mixture for 20 minutes, then remove the remains of cool water.

from craises

Incredible refreshing effect possessed mask on based croup. To cook such mask., need on one big spoon buckwheat and rice done, oat flour and egg yolk.. Everything components raster and mix. V end add little honey. Ready mask. nan on skin and keep 15 minutes.


Among toning and refreshing masks attention deserve vegetable mask, v composition which entered cabbage, cucumber, carrot and potato. Initially cut cucumber and potato circles and apply on face on 20 minutes. Then squeeze juice carrots and cabbage and wipe them face v flow 5 minutes, wash. the effect will amazing.


Berry masks

Especially popular v july, thanks to their freshness and saturation of vitamins:
  1. We take a handful black currant and massing before cashevy masses. Add little cream and measure.
  2. Wild strawberry or garden strawberry massing with spoon honey, added small number day cream. Power face v flow 15 minutes.
  3. Fresh malina mix with cottage cheese and 1 c.. spoon olive oil. This mixture apply on 20 minutes.


Costs take on note fruit apple, plum and grapes, who give August  v quality basic ingredients for refreshing masks:
  1. Apple puree. mix with yolkom, two spoents cottage cheese and four drops camphor oil. Received mixture impose on skin on 30 minutes.
  2. Mask.  from plum make way sensing meakty from two fruit. Then stirring with spoon sour cream and thus same number olive oil. Impose and hold 15 minutes.
  3. Grape very refreshing skin persons. Take 2 spoon berry and mix with 1 spoon sour cream, added little oil olives. Ready mixture apply on 25 minutes.


Usage refreshing masks v homemade conditions from natural products will be for persons unique nakhodka, rich vitamins and useful acids. but important to follow rule: necessarystop choice on one mask. and make well 1015 once v flow month. AND only after of this can change on another composition masks. Exactly thus way can save skin and not eliminate her, on frequent shift masks leather not maybe to react same way quickly, what leads to inverse reactions.

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