How to eat in old age

How to eat in old age

Old age is a physiological process, in which all organs and systems of the body are gradually amenable to the involutionary process. It is believed that the launch of the main aging processes from Europeans begins approximately 40 years. Some bodies are growing faster, and there are also those that can be almost in perfect condition until death. But there is a pathological old age that is ahead of their biological time. The reason for this may be heredity or improper care for its organism. One way to slow down aging and improve your health in old age - proper nutrition.

How the aging of the main organs is manifested

  • In the blood vessels, cholesterol begins to accumulate, which overlaps the clearance of vessels, which leads to insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle. The heart begins to root and do not cope with the usual load, and in difficult cases there is a myocardial infarction. There may also be disturbed interruptions in the work of the heart and violation of the conductivity of the myocardium of nerve impulses.
  • Lights lose their ability to gas exchange. This is especially true of people who have used tobacco smoke for a long time. Normal fabric begins to replace the connective. At physical exertion, shortness of breath appears, which makes the frequent breaks for rest. Problems with light can exacerbate heart disease. This is due to the increase in pressure in a small circulation of blood circulation, which overloads the right hearts.
  • Degenerative processes also occur in the brain. In the ventricles of the brain begin to form calcinates, which worsen the outflow of lymphs and increase intracranial pressure. Electric processes in the core and the transfer of pulses on the white substance are disturbed, which is manifested by a deterioration in memory, reaction and other important functions of the brain. With violation of the cerebral circulation, encephalopathy or stroke arises.

Basic power rules in old age

  • There must be a clear schedule of food reception at the same time.
  • The last meal must be no earlier than three hours before bedtime.
  • It is necessary for small portions, but often. There should be no big episodes of time between feeding foods.
  • Food should be easily assimilated in the stomach, do not cause discomfort and positively influence the useful intestinal microorganisms.
  • It is necessary to correctly distribute the amount of servings of each feeding: for breakfast - 25%, on the second breakfast - 15%, you need to eat - 35% at lunch, and in the evening - 25%. Such a distribution corresponds to the daily fluctuation of the activity of the digestive system.
  • Food should be diverse and include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in proportions - 1: 1: 4.

Reducing calorie content in old age

In young age, metabolic processes in the body ensure the rapid processing of nutrients into energy. In old age, metabolism fades, and most of the potential energy is deposited in the form of fat. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the amount of calorie food in its diet. It is necessary to eliminate or significantly limit the use of fatty varieties of meat, refined sugar, bakery products and other sources of a large number of fats and carbohydrates. The daily rate for men is 1900 kcal, and for women - 1750 kcal.

How to cook food for eating it in old age

You need to try to forget about cooking in a frying pan. Preferences need to be given the boiled, baked, stew and cooked for a couple of food. Before cooking, products need to be thoroughly crushed to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Food should not be hot or cold. It is also necessary to limit the use of salt and saturated spices in cooking.

If in the elderly aged adhere to these simple rules, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of its digestive system, which has a great influence on the whole organism. Before changing its diet, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist to eliminate the functional and organic diseases of the digestive tract.

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Lyudmila 09/09/2018 at 17:25

Thanks for the useful article! I myself also try to stick to the right nutrition, but I think it is still important not to forget about additional funds (carnosine, for example, Evalarovsky, tincture of Eleutherococcus, Echinacea) - It's all to slow down aging and enrich the body necessary by trace elements . And + sport, of course .... I hold it the most loyal assistants for longevity)

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