Tar soap for acne

Tar soap for acne

Affordable and natural tar soap copes with acne. What is his secret and how to use it to achieve the desired effect, read on.

Tar soap basis of birch tar which is released when heated to high temperatures bark. Incidentally, it is also one of the components of Vishnevsky ointment. This explains the peculiar smell of soap and ointment. Tar disinfects, reduces inflammation, improves blood circulation, restoring and regenerating effect on damaged cells, the function normalizes the sebaceous glands.


Buy tar soap can be in pharmacies, stores of household chemicals and supermarkets in your city. It has earned a good reputation from manufacturers tar soap "Neva cosmetics" and "Spring". The price of a cheap soap.


For the prevention of acne Wash your face before bed foam tar soap. But keep in mind that just like any other soap, it dries the skin. Therefore, if you do not have oily skin, after using it, apply it, or nourishing moisturizer. Do not worry, the smell of soap disappears in just a minute.

With strong eruptions of acne, acne, help mask tar soap: try as hard as possible to make foam block, put foam on the cleaned wet face and wait until dry, then rinse thoroughly. A couple masochek, and from previous problems will be over!


Bothersome acne on his back and buttocks also disappear after five applications of tar soap. All that is needed - just use it in the bath (no shower gels and other cosmetics).


The positive impact of tar soap to the skin is indisputable. If you still have not used it, by all means try it, and your skin will thank you.

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Pauline 10/15/2021 at 1:48 am

I was sat down for some time with a terrible soap, I thought acne from him would pass. But in my case it did not help, the skin from him became very dry. I had to turn to the dermatologist for advice. He prescribed a retinue ointment, it is just suitable for treating acne on the skin prone to dryness. I smeared 2 times a day and after 3 months the skin became absolutely clean.


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