Degtyar Hair Soap

Degtyar Hair Soap

Most cosmetic means contain an impressive list of chemical components that negatively affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, many problems with them can not be solved. In this situation, a ternary soap comes to the rescue.

The Degtyar Soap is a generous gift of nature, which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, body and hair. It eliminates dandruff, itching the scalp, heals seborrhea (reinforced saloon). Also, the Degtyar Soap strengthens the hair onions, as a result of which the loss becomes minimal. It is ideal for people who want to quickly grow hair and increase their quantity, because it has a property to enhance blood circulation. Degtyar soap is a good tool from lice. An important advantage is the cheapness of the product. It is worth noting that the tool is completely natural. But it is not recommended to apply it to painted hair.

To feel the positive effect of this product, just start my head. Replace them your usual shampoo. Apply soap foam on your hair and leave for 5-10 minutes. While washing the head, rinse the hair well with boiled water room temperature. Otherwise, a fatty film is formed. The Degtyar Soap does not contain artificial softeners, so after washing, rinse the hair with decoction of nettle or chamomile. It is good for water with apple vinegar (1 tbsp. L. Per liter of water). This procedure will soften the hair and give them shine. It is important to know that the Degtyar soap sunsites the skin. It will work well with people with a fatty skin of the scalp, but everyone needs to be used carefully, to apply it in small courses.

After the first use, hair can be confused and dull. Do not be afraid. You can feel the positive effect of soap after several applications. One course should last no more than one and a half months. After that, take a break for several weeks. You will see that the hair will become strong and beautiful! If you do not like the smell of tar, then keep the remedy in a closed soap. There will be no frantic hair on dry hair. It is important to know that light hair can darken a little due to the pigment of the tar soap. So that this does not happen, after washing to rinse them with the infusion of chamomile.

If you do not trust manufacturers, make soap yourself. The procedure does not take a lot of time. Buy clean birch to manage (sold at the pharmacy) and several pieces of simple baby soap. If you wish, you can include any essential oil. At home, soda soap on the grater and put it in a saucepan. After that, pour there 100 g of water and add 2-4 drops of the selected oil. Then place the composition on the water bath. When it completely melts, add 1 tsp. Deaf. Mix it well and wait for cooling. You can pour the composition in the mold and give it well to harden in the air (1-2 hours). All is ready!

You can also prepare a moisturizing tar soap for dry hair. It will not dry the skin so much. Take 100 g of simple baby soap, then melt it, as in the previous embodiment, and add 5-7 ml of tar. After that, enter the following 5 drops of the following oils: jojoba, peach, almond and grape bone. Mix the composition well, run it on the molds and let it hard. It turns out a gentle and soft soap that you can use not only for hair, but also for the face.

Now you know that you can get rid of many problems with hair with the help of a fabric soap. Along the way, you can improve the condition of your skin and get rid of dermatitis or other ailments. There are people who did not suit the Degtyar Soap for any reason, but it is very rare.

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Anna 22/11/2018 at 12:49.

The aqueous soap is the son of the lice withdrawn, but they still appeared again. As a result, the shampoo pediculus helped us. It is based on jasmine oil and therefore harmless to children

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