Beer yeast from acne

Beer yeast from acne

Acne appears as a result of clogging of greedy ducts, disturbed work of the sebaceous glands or internal problems, for example, bad operation of the hormonal system or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If it does not fight with eel on the skin, the amount will increase significantly, moreover, ugly scars may remain. Pretty universal in the treatment of acne are beer yeast, they are suitable for both internal and outdoor use.

For internal use there is such a recipe. Twenty grams of flax seeds, dry chamomile and seventy grams of beer yeast are mixed. A teaspoon of mixes add to a glass of warm non-fat milk and drink. It follows every day for two months to repeat this procedure. After improvements, take a break, and if necessary, re-repeat the course.

For a mask, mix two spoons of yeast with a tablespoon of yogurt, add a tablespoon of olive oil, as well as on a teaspoon of orange and lemon juice. Stir up to homogeneous mass. Leave the mask for 20-25 minutes. Next, wash the warm water.

If the skin is dry, then you can apply the following recipe. In ten milliliters of water, dilute the tablespoon of yeast, a tablespoon of wheat germs and yolk oil. Shake carefully, apply on the face.

People with problem skin can do the following. A tablespoon of crushed grape bones and a tablespoon of yeast is added to the water. Cashitz stirrate and massaging movements to apply on a person for five minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse with warm water.

When peeling skin, use such a recipe. A tablespoon of yeast is divorced in warm water to a homogeneous thick dust. Here we add three tablespoons of cream, two spoons of ground wheat grains and yolks. Stir carefully, apply for 25-30 minutes. Wash water.

There are no contraindications other than individual intolerance to beer yeast, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before applying.

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