Rosemary from acne

Rosemary from acne

We go to any tricks to improve the condition of the skin. We appeal to professional cosmetologists, carry out expensive procedures. But forget about the main thing: Nature is an indispensable doctor. It is capable of supporting skin cover. Acne is destroyed from the actions of the essential oil of rosemary. It has not only therapeutic properties, but also brings an undoubted prophylactic effect.

Romans and Greeks also celebrated the favor of Rosemary. The oil from it tones and stimulates the skin, enhances its elasticity, stabilizes blood circulation. This is a profitable and productive alternative to many cosmetics. Oil is used in pure form and added to other compositions, make compresses.

Evergreen shrub in cosmetology is used to improve skin cover, namely:

  1. Caring for unhealthy areas. Oil reduces the release of subcutaneous fat, successfully eliminates blackstorm and acne, reduces the pores and improves the appearance.
  2. Eliminates the inflammation of the skin. It has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. It is prescribed in the treatment of eczema, boils, dermatitis and other purulent processes.
  3. Eliminates the consequences of acne. Removes redness in place former Anke, smoothes the skin surface.
  4. Softens dry and coarse surface. The use of oil makes it soft, elastic and adds a healthy look.
  5. Eliminates the swelling, restores the water balance. Successfully eliminates pigmentation, wrinkles and swelling. Permanent application stabilizes water exchange, produces a tonic effect, restores color.

In its pure form, rosemary oil is very saturated. Therefore, it is connected to the removal of acne with other components. The mixture is sometimes imposed specifically for painful sections, and sometimes used as a compress or mask:

  • Point use of funds. It is applied diluted or concentrated (with a strong inflammatory process). We take a cotton swab, dip in the oil and carefully process the pimple. To eliminate the anke, we spend about a week. The mixture is also activated: 3 droplets of rosemary and a teaspoon of cumin oil. Apply a tool three times a day until the symptoms are completely delivered.
  • Oil mixture. The composition is applied only on problem areas. The basis can be: oils of milk thistle, grape bones or cumin. In the appearance of glass or ceramics, we pour a tablespoon of the base substance with 4 drops of rosemary. For greater efficiency, the mixture is necessary to correctly pick up the basis of therapeutic composition. Fatty skin or painful - the oil of grape bones is required or a milk thistle. To disappear acne, Anke and black points need black cumin oil. Dry skin will feel better if you use olive or almond oil.
  • Compresses. Everyday cleaning alternate with compresses. 1.5 tbsp. l. Oils made of grape seeds, a teaspoon of trummers and 4 rosemary droplets. Scrupulously stir the mixture, we impregnate it a piece of gauze, with cut-off openings for the eyes, and put on the face or other problem surface. For low-fat skin types, apricot, almonds or rose rose oil are used.

  Rosemary in other cosmetics. Rosemary essential oils are added to a variety of creams and masks to make their effect on the skin more intense. You can also prepare the composition yourself. The most popular is the cleansing recipe with blue clay. For its preparation, all ingredients are mixed to mix up to homogeneous mass, according to a consistency resembling sour cream. Apply the composition to a smooth layer and hold 23 minutes, then wash off, and the skin is moistened. There is such a procedure once a week.


  • clay (art. l.);
  • water (0.5 st. l.);
  • 6 drops of rosemary oil.

  Rosemary oil - indispensable in the fight against acne. It is well combined with olive, coconut, nut and peach oils. The main contraindication is individual intolerance. To prevent such trouble, you need to make preliminary tests of the means on a small portion of the hand. Remember the elementary safety rules:

  • do not apply at undiluted, add water or different oils;
  • do not use too often by this means.

Any manipulations spend in the morning. Rosemary has a swinging effect on the human body, which can affect the night's night. Be careful not to violate the recommendations for applying the means.

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